The Modern Supply Chain

The Modern Supply Chain

Articles on supply chain and the modern world

  • The Modern Supply Chain

    24 Articles

  • An Introduction to Supply Chain Management

    Supply Chain Management is a systematic and controlled procurement operation. SCM performance directly impacts an organization’s general performance.

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  • Understanding Freight Consolidation

    What is freight consolidation? What does it mean to consolidate freight? What are the pros and cons? What are the types?

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  • Environmental Effects Of Supply Chain Waste

    Supply chain waste could be waiting on your front doorstep right now. Keeping packaging waste to a minimum is important.

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  • How Do I Create A Plan For Supply Chain Risk Management?

    Being a supplier is challenging and risky. Learn how to manage that risk with a supply chain risk management plan.

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  • Phantom Inventory Is Haunting Your Supply Chain

    Phantom inventory occurs when a Retailer’s Perpetual Inventory System states there is sellable inventory available in store, but none actually exists.

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  • 6 Qualities of a Competitive CPG Supply Chain

    What makes a CPG's supply chain competitive? Check out this list of 6 qualities of a competitive supply chain.

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  • How to Plan Production Around Chinese New Year

    Want to learn how to plan production around Chinese New Year? We go over some forecasting tips to make sure you can meet demand.

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  • What You Should Know About Product Standardization

    What do you need to know before you consider product standardization? What are the economical benefits of standardizing products?

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  • What Is A Tariff And How Does It Affect Your Supply Chain?

    What is a tariff? By definition, it is a tax placed on imported goods when they pass country borders. We discuss how tariffs affect supply chain.

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  • The Butterfly Effect And Your Supply Chain: How To Overcome It

    What is the butterfly effect and how does it affect supply chain? You can overcome it by implementing upstream supply chain.

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  • What Do I Do When My Product Has a Recall?

    Oh no, you have a product recall! What do you do? Don't panic. We have a guide for you to follow to maintain your customer relationships.

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  • What Is Segmentation Analysis in Retail?

    What is segmentation analysis in retail? How do you segment your customers to better market to them and improve your products?

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  • How Will AI Affect Your Supply Chain?

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are becoming widely-accepted and crucial technologies in the aging supply chain industry.

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  • What Is Blockchain’s Role In Supply Chain Management?

    Blockchain’s potential to alter whole industries is far too large to ignore, particularly in the supply chain management (SCM) sector.

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  • The Plentils Problem: What Supply Chain Is Missing

    If you are in supply chain management, then you know that doing it well isn’t easy. The industry is missing many of the tools to solve problems.

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  • What is an Overage at Walmart?

    Order overage is defined as the amount of product sent to a retailer in excess of what was ordered. Overages cost suppliers on their bottom line.

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  • The Importance of Product Standardization

    Learn about product standardization, its uses in the manufacturing world, its benefits to companies, and how it can help customer loyalty.

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  • Procurement and Marketing in CPG Companies

    How can Procurement and Marketing grow CPG companies? Learn strategies for how these teams can create synergy.

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  • Supply Chain Best Practices During A Quarantine

    Shortages, extreme demand, and panic buying are causing issues up and down supply chains. Here are some best practices for the pandemic.

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  • This Town’s Big Enough For More Blockchain Utilities

    Blockchain has the potential to change the way we do business so that any number of companies can coexist and collaborate in the same space.

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  • CPG Management through Retail Analytics

    Big data and retail analytics are key to CPG management and crucial for growing businesses to be successful in retail.

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  • What Are the 5 Easies of Retail-Ready Packaging?

    What are the 5 easies of retail-ready packaging? Walmart has five requirements for shelf-ready packaging for its suppliers.

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  • Common Root Causes for Retailer Shortages

    Learn how to tackle the seven causes of retail shortages at the source. Uncover how to determine validity and take action to dispute invalid claims.

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  • What is Supply Chain Resilience?

    Learn about the importance of supply chain resilience to mitigate global disruptions and common vulnerabilities in global supply chains.

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