Decoded: Amazon Deductions 101

Join our deductions guru, Eric Smith, for this 1-hour tutorial on Vendor Central and navigating Amazon's deduction process like a pro.


  • Allie Welsh-Truong

    Allie Welsh-Truong

    SupplierWiki Content Manager

    Allie Welsh-Truong is an NWA native with a background in the CPG industry. As Content Manager, she develops and executes SupplierWiki's content strategy.

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  • Eric Smith

    Eric Smith

    VP of Product

    Eric directs the strategy and product development for our SupplyPike products. These software products are built to help suppliers manage retailer deductions.

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Sponsored by SupplyPike for Amazon

About SupplyPike for Amazon

SupplyPike for Amazon provides vendors with a fast and precise disputing solution for invalid deductions and chargebacks. This software helps beat the narrow 30-day dispute window to ensure efficient recovery and eliminate deduction headaches. Elevate your Amazon operations with SupplyPike.

SupplyPike for Amazon


SupplyPike for Amazon

SupplyPike helps you fight deductions, increase in-stocks, and meet OTIF goals in the built-for-you platform, powered by machine learning.