Redisputing Walmart AP Deductions

Stacy Tan

By Stacy Tan, SVP of Retail Insights

Last Updated October 19, 2023

6 min read

Redisputing is the process of submitting a dispute that has either been canceled, denied, or is pending supplier action. This procedure is essential for rectifying discrepancies and ensuring fair and equitable transactions.

For example, Walmart, as a prominent player in the retail industry, officially allows for many redisputes on a single claim line, but our research has shown that the dispute win rate drops off significantly after five dispute attempts (see image below). The vast majority of deductions (96.41%) are only disputed once, at a 74% win rate. But the win rate continues at a significant percentage (>12%) until the 6th dispute attempt. By and large, most redisputes have around a 20-30% success rate.

Redisputing User Data.png

Types of Disputes & Dispute Statuses: 

There are three types of disputes that can be resubmitted: Canceled, Denied, and those currently pending supplier action. Understanding these categories and the associated dispute statuses play a pivotal role in navigating the redispute process effectively.

  1. Canceled and Denied Disputes: These disputes have already been closed. To redispute them, you must create and submit a new dispute. 

  2. Supplier Action Disputes: These disputes remain open, providing an opportunity to update the existing dispute with new documents or comments.

In Walmart's Accounts Payable Disputes Portal (APDP), there is a more detailed list of the variety of dispute statuses:

  • Submitted 

  • Draft

  • Approved

  • Denial Pending

  • Denial Contested

  • Sent For Revision

  • Denied

  • Submitted Revision

  • Canceled

  • Draft Canceled

Canceled disputes occur when the supplier fails to provide a response within 14 days of Walmart sending the dispute back for supplier revision. The existing dispute is considered closed, and if necessary, the claim line can be disputed once more by initiating a new dispute.

Denied disputes occur when the supplier fails to demonstrate why the deduction should be repaid. Similar to canceled disputes, the existing dispute is concluded, and should the need arise, the claim line can be challenged again by initiating a new dispute.

For more in-depth explanations of each dispute status, check out the APDP 101 Webinar. 

Gathering Relevant Information 

Before initiating the redispute process, it is essential to gather the necessary information and understand the context of the claim. Deduction codes provide a description of the error, which itself gives a hint as to which dispute documentation will be needed. In some cases, Walmart will also provide comments in the original denied dispute that offer insight into the actions required to win a redispute.

For example, when disputing   invalid shortage deductions at Walmart, suppliers will need: 

  • Prior research that validates that the claim is fully or partially invalid

  • Basic information about the claim, invoice, and shipment

  • Proof documentation that supports the dispute

The type of shipping document that validates or invalidates a shipment order depends on the shipping method:

  • Collect: A signed Bill of Lading (BOL)

  • Prepaid: A signed/stamped Proof of Delivery (POD)/Drop Trailer Stamp

Steps for Redisputing: 

  1. Add an Explanation: begin by adding a comment that explains why the dispute is being resubmitted. Providing a clear rationale can help expedite the resolution process. 

  2. Attach Supporting Documents: if Walmart has requested specific documents like BOLs/PODs or any other supporting documentation, ensure to attach them. 

  3. Review and verify: double-check all provided information to ensure accuracy and completeness. 

  4. Submit the Dispute: click the "Update/Submit Dispute" button to initiate the resubmission process. The deduction's status will change to "Submitting Dispute." Once Walmart accepts the dispute, the status will change to "Walmart Research." 

After resubmitting through APDP, you can typically expect to see the dispute appear within seconds. However, during periods of high dispute volume, it may take several hours for the dispute to become visible. Rest assured that the process is underway. 

Handling Dispute Failures 

Occasionally, a dispute may fail to be accepted by APDP due to technical reasons. In such instances, the process is immediately halted, and the status will not change from the original status. The cause of the failure will be clearly displayed in the Dispute Information section, allowing you to identify and correct any issues. 

Understanding Dispute Failures in APDP and How To Resolve Them 

Occasionally, disputes submitted through APDP may encounter issues that prevent them from progressing. Below are common reasons for dispute failures and the steps to resolve them: 

  • APDP Had Trouble Receiving the Dispute

Sometimes, APDP's system experiences intermittent issues that hinder the creation of new disputes. If this issue occurs, consider reaching out to the Walmart EBS (Enterprise Business Solutions) team at or calling 888-499-6377 for assistance.

  • Document Upload Failure

APDP's document upload feature may encounter difficulties when handling certain PDF documents. While APDP is working to resolve this issue, there may be a message indicating that a dispute submission cannot be created due to document upload problems. In some cases, converting the problematic file (usually a .pdf) to a different file type (e.g., .png, .jpg, etc.) and then uploading the new file has proven to be a successful workaround. If document upload issues persist, contact the Walmart EBS team for further assistance. 

  • Unable to Find a Record for Dispute

APDP's dispute process starts by searching for a record to dispute. In certain scenarios, APDP may not locate a disputable claim or invoice record for a deduction, preventing the creation of a dispute. 

  • Unavailable Claim Code for Dispute

APDP does not support the dispute of certain claim codes. If attempting to initiate a dispute for a code that APDP does not allow, a message will indicate that the dispute is not available for that code. In such cases, alternative channels must be used to dispute these deductions.

For example, many allowance deductions (i.e. Codes 51-59) should be disputed with the buyer, not through APDP. Similarly Code 99 (OTIF) is a completely separate compliance program whose charges have to be disputed through the third party platform HighRadius.

Once you've addressed the problem, you can resubmit the dispute to APDP for resolution. Understanding and addressing these common dispute failure scenarios can help navigate the APDP system more effectively and ensure the timely resolution of deduction issues. If encountering any of these issues persistently, don't hesitate to reach out to Walmart EBS team for assistance. 


Redisputing supplier-related deductions is a fundamental part of business operations. It is an opportunity for businesses to take charge of their supply chain and resolve issues with vendors. Understanding this process, leveraging the opportunities presented by Walmart, and following the recommended steps can make a tangible difference in a supplier's bottom line.  

Unlock Your Full Potential with SupplyPike for Walmart 

Redisputing deductions can be a time-consuming and complex task, but with SupplyPike for Walmart the process is simplified. With SupplyPike for Walmart, you can maximize your cash flows, effectively tackle deductions, uncover root causes, and simplify the dispute process, all within a single, user-friendly platform.

Ready to experience the difference? Schedule a meeting with a team member and supercharge your deduction management.

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