Home Depot Deduction Types, Remittance List, and Contact Information
By Annalee Foley, Product Manager
Last Updated November 4, 2024
At Home Depot, there are a variety of deduction types that show up on remittance with coded identifiers. Keeping track of lost revenue at Home Depot requires a thorough knowledge of these identifier codes in order to track and solve larger issues.
This document is designed to bring alignment around the deduction types, remittance lists, the departments responsible for those deductions, and the contacts that are most relevant for resolving larger issues.
This list was adapted from the Home Depot Chargeback Deduction Contact List to help Home Depot suppliers find the right person for the job and better understand their deductions. It is broken down by deduction type, and each deduction type contains one or more sets of identifiers/contacts.
Deduction Type
Return to Vendor (RTV)
Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): *R followed by eight digits or just 8 digits with a document number type of OS r (Example *R12341234 or 12341234)
Responsible Department: Merchandise Payables (Log into the MP-SSP to submit a dispute)
Email Address or Location: The RTV team requires a dispute to be opened for any RTV that you are disputing. Sending a message on Contact Us does not open a RTV Dispute. You may be asked to open a RTV dispute. For more information about the RTV Process and how to open a dispute, visit the RTV Support Page.
Flat Dollar Discount
Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): *FDD
Responsible Department: N/A
Email Address or Location: FDD Tool on HDLink
SF&I Installer Deductions
Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): *C, CA, 1-followed by eight digits
Responsible Department: Central Settlement
Email Address or Location: Central_Settlement_Research@homedepot.com
Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): *CSAT
Responsible Department: Central Settlement
Email Address or Location: Central_Settlement_Research@homedepot.com
Deductions Related to Incremental Marketing
Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): *P, DMR, MDAC, MDVR, begin with IC (US)
Responsible Department: Receivables
Email Address or Location: Incremental@homedepot.com
Volume Rebates
Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): *ending in 16U, 17M, 18M, 19M or beginning with DSE
Responsible Department: Receivables
Email Address or Location: AccountsReceivable_Inquiries@homedepot.com
Product Line Review
Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): Year, Month followed by number with PLR (EX: 201301001PLR)
Responsible Department: N/A
Email Address or Location: innovation_center@homedepot.com & Felisa_Redd-Burns@HomeDepot.com
Post AP Audits
1. Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): *A or A followed by a (seven or eight numeric digits) in the invoice field
Responsible Department: N/A
Email Address or Location: kelly_westbrooks@homedepot.com
2. Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): AS followed by two numbers, a dash and four additional numbers (Ex. AS11-0009)
Responsible Department: N/A
Email Address or Location: homedepot@ap-audit.com
1. Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): DTS, RDC, DQC, FLU followed by two digit fiscal month, two digit fiscal year, three character alpha-numeric code
Responsible Department: Vendor Compliance
Email Address or Location: Create ticket on Supplier Hub
2. Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): TRAN followed by the one digit quarter, two digit fiscal year, and three or four alpha-numeric code
Responsible Department: Vendor Compliance
Email Address or Location: Create ticket on Supplier Hub
3. Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): CBRIDxxxxx
Responsible Department: N/A
Email Address or Location: services_insurance@homedepot.com
4. Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): DFC
Responsible Department: N/A
Email Address or Location: DF_Vendor_Support@homedepot.com
Fleet Deduction
Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): FLEET DEDUCTION
Responsible Department: Freight
Email Address or Location: Audit_Recovery@homedepot.com
Prepaid Freight
Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): PA(8 digits) or (10 digits)R / PREPAID FR CHGBK in PO field
Responsible Department: Prepaid Freight
Email Address or Location: Freight_Payables_Atlanta_SSC@homedepot.com
Inventory Reconciliation
Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): PO=1SKUxxxxxx where xxxxxx is a SKU number.
Responsible Department: Inventory (use the Contact Us feature in MP-SSP)
Email Address or Location: https://my.directcommerce.com/Login.jsp?customer=homedepot
Statement Audit Credit Memo
1. Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): RESET
Responsible Department: Merchandise Finance
Email Address or Location: ISE_Finance@homedepot.com
2. Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): MMU
Responsible Department: Merchandise Finance
Email Address or Location: JEFF_SCHNIER@homedepot.com
3. Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): PKTV
Responsible Department: Merchandise Finance
Email Address or Location: JEFF_SCHNIER@homedepot.com
4. Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): LOD
Responsible Department: Merchandise Finance
Email Address or Location: JEFF_SCHNIER@homedepot.com
5. Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): THDXXX/REVXXX
Responsible Department: Merchandise Finance
Email Address or Location: SACM_Request@homedepot.com
6. Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): VMPROMO
Responsible Department: In-Store Environment
Email Address or Location: In_Store_Environment-PO_Request@homedepot.com
7. Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): METXXX
Responsible Department: Merchandise Execution Team
Email Address or Location: CAROLINA_DIAZ-HAGAN@homedepot.com
8. Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): HDC (i.e. HDCMARDAXBRAN)
Responsible Department: HD.COM
Email Address or Location: EMILY_K_RUFF@homedepot.com
9. Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): HDVDCXXX/HDVDXXX/HDCOMXXX
Responsible Department: HD.COM Merchandise Finance
Email Address or Location: HDCOM_CreditMemos@homedepot.com
10. Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): SPCHXXX
Responsible Department: N/A
Email Address or Location: MEREDITH_M_MOHR@homedepot.com
International Payables Shortage
Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): 8 digits ending in 99
Responsible Department: International Payables
Email Address or Location: International_PayablesInquiry@homedepot.com
Drop Ship
Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): DSFR or DSVTT
Responsible Department: HD.COM
Email Address or Location: Hd.com_Dropship@homedepot.com
HD.com VDF UPS Overmax Fines
Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): DSOMYYYYMM where YYYY and MM are fiscal year and fiscal month
Responsible Department: Vendor Operations Online Delivery
Email Address or Location: Contact Online Merchant
Credit Memos for Digital Enrichments for HD.com
Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): VPE
Responsible Department: Marketing Finance
Email Address or Location: "ADIL_PARDHAN@homedepot.com & CHRISTOPHER_COPENHAVER@homedepot.com
Store Operations Deductions
Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): ST-Ops-Deduct
Responsible Department: Specialty Operations
Email Address or Location: Specialty_Operations@homedepot.com
Sponsored Advertising with The Home Depot
Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): PartnerAd-Deduct
Responsible Department: Marketing - Integrated Media
Email Address or Location: partner_advertising@homedepot.com
Supplier Analytics Program
Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): *ASK- followed by a series of numbers
Responsible Department: Supplier Collaboration Team/Supplier Analytics
Email Address or Location: For more information about the Supplier Analytics Program overall: supplieranalytics.homedepot.com.
New Store Discount
Identifier for Deductions (Invoice Field): *NST
Responsible Department: IPR
Email Address or Location: New_Store_Inventory@homedepot.com
Deduction Type
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