Code 68: Signing Allowance
By The SupplyPike Team, Retail Rockstars
Last Updated July 28, 2020
Refer to Retail Link – Co-op agreement and contact your representative approving the deduction.
In this article, learn about:
What is a Code 68 deduction?
Are Code 68 deductions disputable?
What is a Signing Allowance?
The Signing Allowance is a pre-negotiated percent% discount/ financial incentive that a supplier provides to Walmart. In cases where the supplier's invoice does not include the agreed-upon allowance, a Code 68 deduction will be issued by Walmart.
Related Reading: Walmart Agreements and Allowances Cheat Sheet
Are Code 68 Deductions Disputable?
Suppliers can dispute Code 68 deductions, that appear to be invalid, through High Radius. Suppliers who haven't registered on this platform can request access by sending an email to with their vendor number.
For a more in-depth look at Walmart's deduction codes, check out this eBook: Walmart Deduction Codes Explained Guide
Protect Your Business at Walmart
Deductions and compliance fines are commonplace when selling to any retailer. SupplyPike helps Walmart suppliers get paid and get better. Our software tests the validity of deductions, collects proof documentation, and takes disputing a claim down to a few (or zero) clicks.
Our software also helps suppliers avoid fines by digging into root cause analysis and providing executive-level oversight of the supply chain. Schedule a meeting with a team member to find out if SupplyPike is right for your retail business.
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