Kroger Deductions

Walmart recently launched its newest app in Retail Link – Accounts Payable Disputes Portal. This app brings significant changes to how suppliers dispute their Walmart deductions. Are you ready?

Learn more about the APDP Retail Link app

Learn how to find the new app, navigate the APDP dashboard, and dispute a deduction.

Walmart’s Accounts Payable Disputes Portal (APDP)

Walmart’s Accounts Payable Disputes Portal (APDP)

Read about updates to Walmart's Accounts Payable Disputes Portal (APDP) app in Retail Link from 2021 to 2023.

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Navigating the Accounts Payable Disputes Portal (APDP)

Navigating the Accounts Payable Disputes Portal (APDP)

Learn about navigating Walmart's new Accounts Payable Disputes Portal (APDP) app in Retail Link. We dive into the dashboard and dispute details.

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How to Dispute a Deduction in the APDP App

How to Dispute a Deduction in the APDP App

Walmart's new Accounts Payable Disputes Portal is here! Learn how to dispute a deduction in the APDP app in this step-by-step article.

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Quick Deduction Disputing Guide for APDP

Check this reference to see what deductions you can dispute and what you should use to dispute.

Get Live Help from an Expert (at no cost)

Set up some time to dig into your deduction data and ask your questions on Walmart's new Accounts Payable Dispute Portal.

Understand Where your Deductions are Coming from

See what deduction codes are impacting your bottom line the most, when they happened, which items they are coming from, and more.

Set up some time to dig into your deduction data and ask your questions on Walmart's new Accounts Payable Dispute Portal.

Dispute 10 Deductions in 1-Click (on the House)

Find deductions that are costing you the most money and submit them to Walmart to get paid back.

As part of your review with an expert, we include a free trial so that you can take your learnings and apply them right away.