Retail Data Analytics: Sam’s Club MADRID™
By The SupplyPike Team, Retail Rockstars
Last Updated July 29, 2020
Learn about:
MADRID™ platform's features and benefits for Sam's Club suppliers
Cost and access levels of MADRID™ packages
Considerations for suppliers using MADRID™
Advancements in data and analytics are changing the supply chain industry as we know it. From integrations with various data sources to innovations in machine learning and artificial intelligence, the world of data is developing faster and more accurate insights that benefit every step of the supply chain --- from manufacturer to shopper. With these innovations in data science, we also see industry shifts in how data is gathered and accessed.
In 2018, Sam's Club announced a new data platform in partnership with Nielsen and 1010data called MADRID™. The acronym stands for Member Analysis, Data Reporting & Insights Domain. On June 1, 2018, MADRID™ replaced the main capabilities of the popular tool, DSS, in RetailLink with access to Sam's Club data. MADRID™ is one example of a mass move towards retailer-controlled data platforms providing analytics for their suppliers. Here's everything you need to know about MADRID™ and the pricing structure of this platform.
MADRID™ Access Comes at a Price
When suppliers get access to more than just raw data, they can improve their efficiencies, which, in turn, improves efficiencies for Sam's Club. With MADRID™, suppliers can get descriptive analytics on their sales and inventory and free up analysts' time to focus on diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. It offers the mutual benefit of providing a single version of the truth to the supplier and retailer representatives interacting with the data. If they are both looking at the same platform, it saves time and potential confusion during communication.
However, the paywall creates a potential roadblock for suppliers that cannot afford any additional data resources. For small suppliers or private label manufacturers, the hefty price tag for MADRID™ may be a deterrent. The alternative to MADRID™ would be to pull information manually from Item Link. This could prove to be too time-consuming for an average supplier to justify.
Related Reading: 4 Steps to Selecting An Analytics Provider For Your Business
What Suppliers Can Expect to Pay for MADRID™
The packages of MADRID™ vary greatly in scope and price. Here is a basic overview of the different tiers:
Basic Weekly and Basic Daily -- $5K to $25K Annually
The Basic Weekly and Basic Daily packages offer a basic view of a supplier's product sales for two users within the organization. There are no downloads; users can save two reports at the $25K level. At the $25K level, you also get basic access to inventory information.
Bronze Package -- $60K Annually
With the Bronze package, suppliers will get basic information on sales and inventory of their products, as well as access to the supplier scorecard. Customers get two users, up to five saved reports, and the data is refreshed daily.
Silver Package -- $125K Annually
The Silver package offers more robust analytics than the lower tiers. Users can download reports to Excel, save up to ten reports, and have up to four users. Additionally, these sales and inventory reports include more drilled-down data that can be manipulated to see success metrics. Also, suppliers will get information regarding any promotions they may be running in Sam's Club. This allows for more insights into their category.
Gold and Platinum Packages -- $250K and Up Annually
With the Gold and Platinum packages, suppliers can see insights on sales and inventory, easily manipulate fields and download data, and get insights into the consumer basket information. The Platinum package offers full basket analyses, additional category insights, and additional product insights over the Gold package. These packages range from $250K for the Gold package to an undisclosed amount for the Platinum Enterprise package.
Does MADRID™ Make Sense For You?
For many suppliers, the higher-tier packages may be out of the question because of the price tag. Alternatively, the organizations that do a lot of business in Sam's and can afford these high ticket tiers, will receive great insights on products, members, and their category that they may not have had previous access to. For smaller suppliers, the limited information partnered with the high price may not make sense for their business. Looking to outside analytics providers with insights about sales performance and inventory could be a viable option for smaller suppliers.
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