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Freight Classification Numbers
NMFC Item/Code Numbers
The basic types of NMFC Item Numbers
Every item shipped in the United States is assigned an NMFC (National Motor Freight Classification) number. While certain item-specific NMFC numbers clearly define certain products and items, it is always best and safest to quote and price shipments based on their density, as this can often prevent reclassifications.
Related Reading: LTL Shipping – What is Density?
Oftentimes, even if dimensions and weights are correct, a carrier may examine a shipment and determine that the item should be classified as part of a full range density NMFC number rather than a product-specific NMFC number. While this can be challenged and disputed with the carrier, it is far tougher to win a dispute of this nature than it is to win one based on weight and density (provided ample, adequate, and correct evidence can be provided to make the dispute).
Freight Classifications Numbers
National motor freight classifications were developed to account for the variable costs involved in shipping and handling objects of variable weights, densities, and sizes. You can think of the major classifications for freight in the following categories:
Liability (i.e. hazardous materials)
The most important factor in freight classification is density. Density is calculated by first converting the extreme dimensions of the item into cubic feet, then dividing the weight of the item by its volume in cubic feet.
Generally, higher-density items (items with a density range of closer to 50 lbs. per cubic foot) are cheaper to ship, and lower-density items are more costly. This is also referred to as “desirability.” Higher-density items tend to be considered “more desirable” for shipping purposes. However, there are plenty of examples (i.e. hazardous materials with a high density) in which higher-density items are still costly to ship and/or undesirable.
Classes range from 50-500, with 50 being more favorable and 500 being less. These are largely determined by density, with denser items being closer to 50 and less-dense items being closer to 500, but the other classification factors can come into play as well.
NMFC Item/Code Numbers
Alongside NMFC freight classification numbers, there are also NMFC “item” number codes that are designed to give more detail about what is being shipped. Although these item numbers are sometimes used to distinguish one kind of item being shipped from another, it is not to be confused with item numbers as they are used for internal and external data purposes (i.e. a GTIN or a Walmart Item Number).
Related Reading: What Are the Different Item Codes?
There are 5,000 or so “item” numbers, but most of them are not commonly used. These are anywhere between 4 and 6 digits in length, and sometimes there are 2-digit sub-item indicators added to the end of the original digits and connected by a hyphen.
These numbers range from 1010–201060.
Three Basic Types of NMFC Item Numbers
1. Full Range Density or Standard Density Based Numbers
A Full Range Density or Standard Density NMFC item number works directly off of the density chart. For example, a 156600 indicates plastic articles (any items made of plastic), and it works off of the density chart previously used to determine an item’s density. These are the most common types of NMFCs that carriers will rely on to properly classify freight.
2. Partial Density or Non-Standard Density Based Numbers
A Partial Density-Based NMFC only takes density into partial consideration when determining a freight class. For example, a 133300 covers machinery and machine parts, and it partially takes density into account when factoring in the classification. These NMFCs, while still basing their calculation upon pounds per cubic foot, are not as strict. The item must still be what it claims to be, but the density range used for classification is a bit broader, allowing items that would normally be classed at, say, 100 to be shipped at a 92.5, and items that would normally ship at Class 85 to be shipped at Class 60.
3. Item Specific or Non-Density Based Numbers
These NMFCs are not density-based but meet strict product guidelines. A good example of such an NMFC would be 25855, belonging to a 125 classification. The only items that could use this number would have to fit the NMFC description: “Broilers, Grills, Roasters or Stoves, cooking, portable, outdoor type, charcoal burning, steel, 12 gauge or thicker, SU, in boxes, Individual boxes for units must not exceed 50 united inches (length, width, and depth added).”
If shipping one of these exact items, and it meets all of the criteria then, this NMFC should not be a problem. However, if it fails to meet even one of the stated criteria, it is likely that the carrier would reclass the item based on a Full Range Density or Partial Density NMFC relating to this product, such as 26350. At this point, the shipment could be reclassified from a 125 to as high as a 200, resulting in a significant price increase.
Related Reading: LTL Shipping – What is a Freight Quote?
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