DSS Aliases in Luminate

The SupplyPike Team

By The SupplyPike Team, Retail Rockstars

Last Updated February 5, 2024

13 min read

As a part of Walmart's transition from DSS to Luminate, they updated a significant number of  business element names/terms to become more omnichannel friendly and precise. 

Business Element Names

In the Luminate Basic training, Walmart refers to these element names as aliases. Walmart has also made it clear that all DSS aliases are still searchable when finding report filters, so the changes shouldn't be too catastrophic for pulling the same or similar reports in DSS.

Most of the business element terms used in DSS have remained the same in Luminate. Some have changed only slightly (i.e. changing lowercase letters to capitals, changing abbreviations to full spellings, etc.). Others have changed more significantly. 

Luminate's Attributes and Business Glossary

The full list of these changes lives in the Attributes and Business Glossary document on Luminate's Knowledge Base page. The glossary is an exhaustive list of all attributes and terms used in both platforms, including many that repeat themselves a number of times throughout different circumstances and some terms that did not change at all.

Below is a list of DSS and Luminate aliases that should be fairly common. It is organized alphabetically by the DSS aliases or business element names, and it is designed as a way of helping suppliers rebuild their old DSS reports in Luminate.

NOTE: some of the DSS business elements have more than one element in Luminate, depending on the greater context. In those instances, a comma will separate the two terms. Similarly, some Luminate elements have more than one DSS element name; these are indicated in the same way.

Also, some element names change based on their circumstances. For example, "Item Height" is an element name used in DC Metrics reports as well as Sore Demand Forecasts. The Attributes and Business Glossary is organized by the kind of report being pulled (i.e. Store Demand Forecast). Whereas Walmart organizes its glossary by those categories, we did not duplicate the business elements in their different forms here. 

DSS and Luminate Business Element List

DSS Element NameElement Business Name (Luminate)
Acct Dept NbrAccounting Department Number, Walmart Order Department Number
Activity CDActivity Code
Backroom Adj QtyBackroom Adjustment Quantity
Base Forecast, Event ForecastForecast Type Code
Battery IndicatorBattery Indicator
Brand Name, Brand Name DescriptionBrand Name
Building AddressStreet Address Line 1
Building AddressStreet Address Line of the Location
Buyer Full NameBuyer Name
Buyer User IDBuyer ID
Buying Region DescBuying Region Description
Cancel When Out FlagCancel When Out Indicator
Category Name, Dept Category DescriptionOmni Category Description
Chemical IndicatorChemical Indicator
CityCity Name, DC City Name, Store City Name
Color DescColor Description
Consumer IDConsumer Item Number
Consumer ID, CIDConsumer ID
CountryAddress Country Code
Country Of OriginComponents Country of Origin Name
CPSC IndicatorCPSC Certificate Indicator
Create DateItem Start Date
Cubic Order Sizing FactorOrder Sizing Factory Quantity
Curr Available to Sell (Owned only)Available To Sell Quantity 
Curr Display StatusCurrent Display Status
Curr On Hand QTY (Owned only), Hist QTY in Stock (DSV only), Curr QTY in Stock (DSV only), Hist On Hand QTY (Owned only)On Hand Unit Quantity 
Curr On Hand Qty, Curr Str On Hand Qty, Sat On Hand Qty, Hist On Hand Qty, Fri On Hand Qty, Sun On Hand Qty, Mon On Hand Qty, Tue On Hand Qty, Wed On Hand Qty, Thu On Hand Qty, Store Weeks Supply, Est Retail TurnsStore On Hand Quantity - This Year
Curr Replenishable FlagCurrent Replenishment Flag
Curr Str in Transit QtyStore In Transit Quantity - This Year
Curr Str in Transit RetailStore In Transit Retail Amount - This Year
Curr Str In Whse Qty,Received QTY at WH (Owned only)Store In Warehouse Quantity - This Year
Curr Str on Hand RetailStore On Hand Retail - This Year
Curr Str On Order QtyStore On Order Quantity - This Year
Curr Str On Order Qty, Curr Whse Total On Order Cases, Whse Total On Order Cost, Curr Whse Total On Order Sell, Curr Whse Total On Order Qty, Curr Whse Buyer Orders Cost, Curr Whse Buyer Orders Sell, Curr Whse Buyer Orders Cases, Curr Whse Buyer Orders QtyWarehouse Packs on Order - This Year
Curr Str On Order RetailStore On Order Retail Amount - This Year
Curr Tab On Hand Qty Tab Receiving Quantity
Curr Traited Store CountTraited Store Count
Curr Traited Store/Item Comb.Traited Store/Item Count - This Year
Curr Valid Store CountValid Store Count
Curr Whse Buyer Orders CasesBuyer Order Warehouse Pack Quantity
Curr Whse On Hand Cases, Curr Whse On Hand Cost, Curr Whse On Hand Sell, Curr Whse On Hand Qty, Whse On Hand CasesOn Hand Warehouse Packs in Inventory - This Year
Curr Whse On Hand Qty, Curr Whse Total On Order Qty, Curr Whse SS Order Qty, Curr Whse Buyer Orders Qty, Whse Received QtyWarehouse Pack Each Quantity
Curr Whse On Hand Sell, Curr Whse Total On Order Sell, Curr Whse SS Orders Sell, Curr Whse Buyer Orders Sell, Curr Whse Sales, Whse Receivings, Whse SS Orders Sell, Curr Whse Reserved SellWarehouse Pack Sell Amount
Curr Whse Reserved Cases, Curr Whse Reserved Cost, Curr Whse Reserved SellReserved Warehouse Pack Quantity
Curr Whse Sales, Whse Ships CasesWarehouse Packs Shipped to Store
Curr Whse SS Order Cases, Curr Whse SS Orders Cost, Curr Whse SS Orders Sell, Curr Whse SS Order Qty, Curr Whse Buyer Orders Cost, Curr Whse Buyer Orders Sell, Curr Whse Buyer Orders Cases, Curr Whse Buyer Orders Qty, Whse SS Orders Sell, Whse SS Order CasesWarehouse Packs Staple Stock on Order - This Year
Current HO RetailHome Office Recommended Retail Price Amount
Customer Defective QuantityQuantity - Defective (Customer Returns)
Customer Defective RetailAmount - Defective (Customer Returns)
DC Cancel When Out Flag DateCancel When Out Date
DC CWO Est Out of Stock DateEstimated Out of Stock Date
Department NameOmni Department Description
Dept Category Group DescriptionOmni Category Group Description
Dept DescAccounting Department Description
DistrictMarket Name
DivisionBase Division Number
Dry Run DateSoft Open Date
EAS Source TagElectronic Security Tag Indicator
Effective DateItem Order Effective Date
Est Unit Turns, Est Retail TurnsWalmart Year Week Number
Est Unit Turns, Est Retail TurnsWM Year Week Number
Event DescriptionMUMD Event Description
Event IDMUMD Event Code
Expiration DateItem Expiry Date
Fineline Desc, Fineline DescriptionFineline Description
Fineline Number, Fineline, Category Nbr INTLFineline Number
Geo region cdGeographic Region Code
Gross Ship QtyGross Receipt Quantity - Last Year
Gross Ship QtyGross Receipt Quantity - This Year
Hist Book Ordered Cost, Active Ordered Book Cost, Percent of Order Rcvd, Diff Ordered vs Received, Total Cost Received, Active Book Ordered CostVendor Pack Cost Amount
IDC DescDistribution Center Name
Is Imported IndicatorItem Import Indicator
Item Desc 1, Prime Item DescItem Name
Item Desc 2Item Description 2
Item HeightItem Height Quantity
Item ID, Walmart.com Category NbrCatalog Item ID / eComm Prod ID
Item LengthItem Length Quantity
Item NbrWalmart Item Number
Item NbrStore Item ID
Item StatusItem Status Code
Item Sub TypeReplenishment Subtype Code
Item Sub TypeReplenishment Subtype Description
Item TypeItem Type Description
Item WeightItem Weight Quantity
Item WidthItem Width Quantity
List Price CurrencyCurrency Code
Max Shelf QtyMax Shelf Quantity
MDSE Major ZoneMerchandise Major Zone Number
MDSE Sub ZoneMerchandise Sub Zone Number
Mercury IndicatorMercury Indicator
Modular Catg DescModular Category Description
Modular Catg NbrModular Category Number
Modular Dept DescModular Department Description
Modular Dept NbrModular Department Number
Modular Discont Date, Modular Items FlagDiscontinue Date
Modular Eff Date, Modular Items FlagEffective Date
Modular Items FlagModular Plan Identifier
Modular Plan DescModular Plan Title Description
Modular Sect NbrModular Section Number
Net Ship QtyNet Receipt Quantity - Last Year
Net Ship QtyNet Receipt Quantity - This Year
Never Out FlagNever Out Indicator
Obsolete Date, Item End DateItem End Date
On Hand Adj QtyInventory Adjustment Quantity
Op cmpny cdOperational Company Code
Open DateFinancial Open Date
Open DateGrand Open Date
Open Sunday FlagOpen Sunday Indicator
Ordbk Stars QtyPerformance Rating Code
Ordbk Stars QtyPerformance Rating Description
Order Dept NbrOmni Department Number
Out of StockOut of Stock Case Quantity - Last Year
Out of StockOut of Stock Case Quantity - This Year
Pallet Hi QtyPallet HI Quantity
Pallet Hi QtyPallet Height Quantity
Pallet Ti QtyPallet TI Quantity
Pallet UPCPallet UPC Number
Paper/Wood IndicatorPaper Wood Indicator
Phone NbrPhone Number
Plan Order DateOrder Place Date 
Plan Receive DateScheduled Arrival Date
PLU NbrPrice Look Up Number
POS Qty, Fri Qty, Sat Qty, Sun Qty, Mon Qty, Tue Qty, Wed Qty, Thu Qty, COMP Store Qty, Units per Store per Week (w/o zeros), Units per Store per Week (w/zeros), Store Weeks Supply, Avg Price, Sales Type, Est Retail Turns, Alternate Selling Unit POS Qty, Sell Thru, Alternate Selling Unit POS Avg PricePOS Quantity - This Year
POS Qty, Fri Qty, Sat Qty, Sun Qty, Mon Qty, Tue Qty, Wed Qty, Thu QtyPOS Quantity - Last Year
POS Sales, Sat Sales, Sun Sales, Mon Sales, Fri Sales, Wed Sales, Thu Sales, Tue Sales, COMP Store Sales, Sales $ per Store per Week (w/o zeros), Sales$ per Store per Week (w/zeros), Avg Price, MUMD as % of Sales, Sales Type, Est Unit Turns, Alternate Selling Unit POS Sales, Alternate Selling Unit POS Avg PricePOS Sales-This Year
POS Sales, Sat Sales, Sun Sales, Mon Sales, Fri Sales, Wed Sales, Thu Sales, Tue SalesPOS Sales-Last Year
Prime Item NbrPrime Item Number
Private LabelPrivate Label Indicator
Product Description, Item NameProduct Name
Replenish unit indItem Replenishment Indicator
Replenish unit indReplenishment Unit Indicator
Report DEA IndicatorDC Drug Enforcement Agency Indicator
RPPC IndicatorRPPC Indicator
Sale WM WeekWalmart Year Week Number
Sales$ per store per weekDollar/Store/Week(Day)
Scale FlagBackroom Scale Indicator
Season CodeSeason Description
Season Code, PO Season CodeSeason Code
Sel Store Trait Eff DateTrait Effective Date
Sel Store Trait Short DescTrait Description
SellThruShip Each Quantity
Shelf Label FlagShelf Label Requirement Indicator
Shelf NumberPrimary Shelf ID
SI Curr. Total Retail $, SI MUMD Percent, SI Curr. Avg Unit Retail, MUMD as % of Sales, Initial MU %, Percent To Sales, Maintain Margin %, Dollars, Net Maintained Margin % w Import Allow, Net Maintain Margin %, GMROII, Net Maintained Margin $Current Retail Amount
SI MUMD QtyMUMD Item Quantity
SI Prev. Total Retail $, SI MUMD Percent, SI Prev. Avg Unit Retail, MUMD as % of Sales, Initial MU %, Percent To Sales, Maintain Margin %, Dollars, Net Maintained Margin % w Import Allow, Net Maintain Margin %,GMROII, Net Maintained Margin $Previous Retail Amount
SI Total MUMD $MUMD Amount
Signing DescSigning Description
Size Desc, Prime Size DescSize Description
Square FootageBusiness Gross Size Quantity
StateState Province Name
StateState or Province Name
Status Chg DateItem Status Change Date
Store DC Claim QtyQuantity - To DC (Refund)
Store NbrStore Number
Store Prototype NbrPrototype Number
Store RC RetailQuantity - To Return Center (Refunds)
Store Shelf CapacityShelf Capacity Quantity
Store Specific RetailStore Specific Retail Amount
Store TypeStore Type Description
Store VC QtyQuantity - To Vendor (Refunds)
Street AddressStreet Address Line 2|
Street AddressStreet Address Line 3
Street AddressStreet Address Line 4
Sub Category, Dept Subcategory DescriptionOmni Subcategory Description
Subcat Nbr, Walmart.com Subcategory NbrOmni Subcategory Number
SubdivSubdivision Name
SubdivSubdivision Number
SubdivBase Division Number
Suggested Order Qty,UnitsOrder Each Quantity
Time Zone Daylight savingsDaylight Saving Timezone Indicator
Time Zone Daylight SavingsDaylight Savings Time Zone Code
Time Zone Daylight SavingsDaylight Savings Time Zone Name
Time Zone StandardTime Zone Code
Time Zone StandardTime Zone Name
Total Customer Item ReturnQuantity - (Customer Returns)
TSS QtyTarget Shelf Quantity
Unit Retail, MU %, Hist Book Ordered Retail, Active Ordered Book Retail, Hist Str Ordered Retail, Active Str Ordered Retail, Active Whse Ordered Retail, Active Str Ordered Retail (orig), Active Whse Ordered Retail (orig), Total Str Ordered Retail, Hist Whse Ordered Retail, Total Whse Ordered Retail, Active Book Ordered Retail, Curr RetailBase Unit Retail Amount
Unit Size UOMSell Unit of Measure Code
Units per store per weekUnits/Store/Week(Day)
Uom cdBase Retail UOM Code
UOM CodeItem Dimension Unit Of Measure Code
UOM Sell Qty, Unit SizeSell Quantity
UPC DescWalmart UPC Description
UPC, Parent UPCWalmart UPC Number
Vendor NbrVendor Number
Vendor NbrVendor Number
Vendor Nbr DeptVendor Department Number
Vendor Pack WeightVendor Pack Weight Quantity
Vendor Sequence NbrVendor Sequence Number
Vendor Stock ID, Vendor Stk NbrVendor Stock ID
VNPK Cubic FtVendor pack Cube Quantity
VNPK HeightVendor Pack Height Quantity
VNPK LengthVendor Pack Length Quantity
Vnpk qty, Orderable QtyVendor Pack Quantity
VNPK WidthVendor Pack Width Quantity
Week 01 Forecast, Week 02 Forecast, Week 03 Forecast, Week 04 Forecast, Week 05 Forecast, Week 06 Forecast, Week 07 Forecast, Week 08 Forecast, Week 09 Forecast, Week 10 Forecast, Week 11 Forecast, Week 12 Forecast, Week 13 Forecast, Week 14 Forecast, Week 15 Forecast, Week 16 Forecast, Week 17 Forecast, Week 18 Forecast, Week 19 Forecast, Week 20 Forecast, Week 21 Forecast, Week 22 Forecast, Week 23 Forecast, Week 24 Forecast, Week 25 Forecast, Week 26 Forecast, Week 27 Forecast, Week 28 Forecast, Week 29 Forecast, Week 30 Forecast, Week 31 Forecast, Week 32 Forecast, Week 33 Forecast, Week 34 Forecast, Week 35 Forecast, Week 36 Forecast, Week 37 Forecast, Week 38 Forecast, Week 39 Forecast, Week 40 Forecast, Week 41 Forecast, Week 42 Forecast, Week 43 Forecast, Week 44 Forecast, Week 45 Forecast, Week 46 Forecast, Week 47 Forecast, Week 48 Forecast, Week 49 Forecast, Week 50 Forecast, Week 51 Forecast, Week 52 Forecast, Rolling 13 Week Avg Unit Fcst, Total ForecastSales Forecast Each Quantity
WHPK Cubic FtWarehouse Pack Cube UOM Description
WHPK Cubic FtWarehouse Pack Cubic Quantity
WHPK HeightWarehouse Pack Height Quantity
WHPK LengthWarehouse Pack Length Quantity
WHPK Qty, Item Min Order Qty, Total Whse DD Cases, Alternate Selling Unit POS Qty, Alternate Selling Unit POS Avg PriceWarehouse Pack Each Quantity
WHPK UPCWarehouse Pack UPC Format Code
WHPK UPCWarehouse Pack UPC Number
WHPK WidthWarehouse Pack Width Quantity
Whse AlignWarehouse Alignment Type Code
Whse Align, Warehouse alignWarehouse Alignment Type Code
Whse Align, WPM Warehouse, Distribution Warehouse, Assembly Warehouse, Circular Warehouse, Regular WarehouseWarehouse Alignment Type Code
Whse Alignment Eff DateAlignment effective date
Whse Alignment Exp DateAlignment expiration date
Whse NameDistribution Center Name
Whse NbrDistribution Center Number
Whse Pack WeightWarehouse Pack Weight Quantity
Whse Pulls CasesStaple Stock Ship Warehouse Pack Quantity
Whse Receivings, Whse Received Qty, Whse Received CasesWarehouse Packs Eaches Received - Last Year
Whse Receivings, Whse Received Qty, Whse Received CasesWarehouse Packs Eaches Received - This Year
Whse StateState or Province Code
Whse StateDC State/Province Code
Whse StateStore State or Province Code
Whse Street Address, Whse Building AddressStreet Address of the Location
Whse Street Address, Whse Building AddressDC Street Address of the Location
Whse Zip CodeZip Code or Postal Code
WM WeekWM Year Week Number
Zip CodeStore Zip Code or Postal Code
Zip CodeZip Code or Postal Code

SupplyPike and Further Reading

Interested in similar content for Walmart suppliers? Check out our Walmart Deduction Codes Explained eBook to aid in disputing research, help with root cause analysis, and winning back lost revenue.

If revenue loss at a higher level is something that you feel could work well with your Walmart business, schedule a meeting to talk with a team member about SupplyPike. Our software automates deduction validity and disputing, saving suppliers time and energy while winning back their lost revenue.

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