Code 99: OTIF

The SupplyPike Team

By The SupplyPike Team, Retail Rockstars

Last Updated April 26, 2024

2 min read

Learn About: 

  • Deduction Code 99

  • How to Prevent Valid Code 99s

  • How Dispute Invalid Code 99s

What is Deduction Code 99?

Code 99s refers to Accounts Receivable claims associated with OTIF compliance issues. Suppliers can find invoices related to OTIF penalties in the High Radius system.

Each month, the Supplier Performance Management (SPM) team issues invoices to suppliers for any instances where OTIF standards were not met. These specific invoices are recognized as Code 99s. Additionally, suppliers can review purchase orders that impacted OTIF during a specified period by accessing the "PO Details" tab within the OTIF Scorecard

How to Prevent Valid Code 99s

Since code 99s are strictly related to OTIF, to avoid valid claims be sure to always ship on time and in full.

Can Code 99s be Disputed?

Yes, you can dispute code 99s through the High Radius portal. Walmart often takes a hard stance on OTIF fines. It can be difficult to win these back, but with proper proof documentation, it is possible to successfully dispute.

How to Dispute Invalid Code 99s

Supporting Documentation: 

  • Freight bill showing that the number of cases shipped is equivalent to the number of cases billed and that the shipment was picked up/delivered on time.

  • Collect suppliers: provide the BOL (Bill of Lading) showing pick up happened on time and all ordered cases were accounted for.

  • Prepaid suppliers: provide the POD (Proof of Delivery) showing that delivery was on time and a signed BOL showing that all ordered cases were picked up from the supplier.

  • Purchase order (EDI 850) showing ordered quantities and Must Arrive by Date (MABD).

Further Reading and SupplyPike!

SupplyPike helps suppliers maximize their cash flow and prevent retailer fines by providing oversight and insight into supply chain efficiency. Fight deductions, meet compliance goals, and analyze root causes with our software for Walmart, Amazon, Target, Home Depot, and Kroger. Sign up for a meeting with the team to see if our solution is right for your retail business.

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