Code 28: Carton Damaged/Freight Bill Signed Damaged

The SupplyPike Team

By The SupplyPike Team, Retail Rockstars

Last Updated July 27, 2020

2 min read

What is Deduction Code 28?

Code 28s mean the Walmart facility receiving the freight signed the freight bill as damaged. Damage can occur due to poor packaging of the goods, improper loading by the shipper/carrier, or improper handling by the carrier during transit.

How to Prevent Valid Code 28s

  • Evaluate your cartons/packaging to make sure they are up to the rigors of shipment. Consider changing packaging if product is regularly damaged.

  • Load shipments securely

  • Consider alternate carriers if a specific carrier is regularly damaging your freight

Can Code 28s be Disputed?

It depends on if the shipment was prepaid or collect.

Prepaid shippers should file a claim directly with the carrier, not Walmart, to recover the damages. You can file a dispute in the Accounts Payable Disputes Portal (APDP) in Retail Link if you need to request Walmart's Proof of Delivery that is signed damaged, then use that to file a claim with your carrier. The Walmart dispute will be denied and Walmart will provide the POD. Keep in mind that APDP disputes sometimes take a long time to review, and some carriers have short windows for filing a damage dispute.

Collect shippers can submit a dispute in the Accounts Payable Disputes Portal (APDP) in Retail Link showing the load was picked up in full without damage.

How to Dispute Invalid Code 28s

Supporting Documentation:

  • Collect suppliers should provide the BOL showing load picked up in full and without damage

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