Code 25: No Merchandise Received for Invoice

2 min read

What is Deduction Code 25?

Code 25s are triggered when Walmart claims to have not received any merchandise for the invoice transmitted. Therefore, Code 25 deductions will always be for the full amount of the invoice.

Code 25s are often invalid and occur when the supplier transmits an invoice before the facility receives the order.

How to Prevent Valid Code 25s

  • Invalid 25s are often a timing issue -- the invoice is sent to Walmart before order is shipped or is received at the Walmart facility

  • Best practice is to not invoice before the order is shipped. We often recommend that suppliers schedule the invoice to be sent on the MABD

  • Do not re-invoice once goods are delivered (this would cause code 30s); instead, dispute the existing code 25 deduction

Can Code 25s be Disputed?

Yes. In the Accounts Payable Disputes Portal (APDP) in Retail Link, provide the correct shipping documents to prove that the PO was delivered in full.

How to Dispute Invalid Code 25s

Supporting Documentation:

  • Freight bill showing in full. Collect: Bill of lading signed by the driver showing the PO was picked up in full. The Purchase Order number should be clearly noted on this document. Prepaid: Proof of delivery showing the PO was received in full. The Purchase Order number should be clearly noted on this document.

  • Invoice (EDI 810) showing order quantity

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Written by The SupplyPike Team

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SupplyPike builds software to help retail suppliers fight deductions, meet compliance standards, and dig down to root cause issues in their supply chain.

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