Code 15: Pallets/Shrink-wrapped Short/Damaged

2 min read

What is Deduction Code 15?

Code 15s are generated when there was damage to or a shortage of merchandise on a palletized or shrink-wrapped shipment. The facility signed the freight bill for the pallets, but the pallets were shrink-wrapped and the shortage or damage was within the pallet.

Code 15s are most commonly taken as "re-deducts" after a code 22 or 24 is paid back, so backup is often not readily available.

How to Prevent Valid Code 15s

  • Be sure to package goods to prevent damage in transit
  • Ship in full per the PO
  • Make sure your packaging/labeling for different items is distinct so that it is clear to the receiver which items were shipped. Code 15s are sometimes filed when the receiver mistakenly identifies the items received.

Can Code 15s be Disputed?

Yes. Disputing code 15s is difficult, but if you can prove that the shipment was in full or items were packed and loaded correctly then it is worth filing a claim.

How to Dispute Invalid Code 15s

Supporting Documentation:

  • Bill of Lading showing correct items/quantities shipped
  • Proof of Delivery showing items received
  • Purchase Order (EDI 850) showing requested quantities (optional)

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Written by The SupplyPike Team

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SupplyPike builds software to help retail suppliers fight deductions, meet compliance standards, and dig down to root cause issues in their supply chain.

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