Amazon Acronyms, Terms, and Definitions

18 min read

Any supplier, whether they sell to Amazon, Walmart, Target, or all three, knows each retailer has its own terms and abbreviations for conducting business. This article outlines key terms every Amazon supplier should know.

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3P/3PLThird Party/Third Party LogisticsProvider of outsourced services.
AADActual Arrival DateThe date a carrier arrives at an Amazon fulfillment center.
Absolute ASN AccuracyAbsolute Advanced Shipment Notification AccuracyRefers to Amazon’s process of multiplying ASN match by ASN accuracy to generate absolute ASN accuracy.
AdhocAmazon assigns freight to carriers for both scheduled (planned) and unscheduled (adhoc) runs. Adhoc runs involve carriers providing service to Amazon as needed for specific routes.
AMZNAmazonAmazon's stock market code; also used as shorthand for Amazon.
AMZNCCAmazon Container CodeA 14-digit number prefixed with the text 'AMZNCC' is generated within Vendor Central to facilitate the auto-receive process. This is Amazon's equivalent of the SSCC carton content label.
Anchor VendorAmazon previously used point-to-point transportation routes called "static milk runs." Now, all routes must support multi-stop capability. The concept of an "anchor vendor" honors vendors that had this static arrangement as first priority if they are tendering for 51% or more of a full trailer.
APDActual Pickup DateThe date a carrier picks up from a vendor site. A pickup delay is calculated as APD - FRD.
ARNAmazon Reference NumberA reference number generated by Amazon when a shipment is routed and a carrier is assigned for pickup. This number is only generated for Collect (WePay) shipments assigned to Truckload, Less than Truckload, and Small Parcel carriers.
ASINAmazon Standard Item NumberUnique identifier for products in Amazon's retail catalog.
AsinstkASIN StickeringA prep-related disposition code used when an ASIN requires stickering due to the absence of a UPC/EAN/GTIN on the sellable product. For more details, see prep training on Vendor Central.
ASNAdvanced Shipment NotificationAn electronic notification of pending deliveries, serving as a virtual packing list that must be sent before the physical shipment arrives at fulfillment centers to aid in labor resource planning.
ASN AccuracyAdvanced Shipment Notification AccuracyA measure of the number of units received that match the advanced shipment notification.
ASN MatchAdvanced Shipment Notification MatchThis measures the number of shipments checked-in at the Amazon Fulfillment Center dock that match the ASN provided, using shipment identifiers from both the carrier and the vendor (ARN/PRO/BOL).
Auto ReceiveAmazon's term for a product that is virtually received, where the label on the pallet or carton can be connected back to the ASN or PO automatically, without requiring manual intervention.
Auto-CancelAmazon's cancellation policy automatically cancels line items if specific milestones are not met.
BOBack OrderThis acknowledgement code informs Amazon that you have stock available to ship and deliver before the cancellation policy milestone triggers.
BaggingA prep-related disposition code. For more information, refer to prep training on Vendor Central.
BOLBill of LadingA document issued by a transportation service provider. The BOL number is used by Amazon to link shipments to ASNs.
BPSBarcode Packing Slip2D barcode shipping label that indicates the contents of a carton.
CARPCarrier Appointment Request PortalA web-based portal used by carriers to request delivery appointments at Amazon's fulfillment centers. Also known as Carrier Central.
CRDDCarrier Requested Delivery DateThe date recorded when a carrier requests an appointment at an Amazon fulfillment center through Amazon’s request portal (CARP).
CartonA carton is the box used to ship ASINs. It can either contain the ASIN itself or multiple ASINs within a box. A label indicating the contents of the carton is required.
Carton_ComplianceA prep-related disposition code. For more information, refer to prep training on Vendor Central.
CaseRefers to a single ASIN packaged in a group. For example, a case could be a single carton containing six sellable products (eaches) within it.
Case ReceiveAmazon can receive shipments grouped at the each, case, or pallet level.
CatalogAmazon maintains a virtual database of all sellable products. “Catalog” refers to this database. The "vendor catalog" refers to the spreadsheet suppliers upload and maintain when submitting new or editing existing product details.
CategoryAmazon uses the term "category" to denote the business category to which a product is assigned.
CCLCarton Content LabelA label affixed to the carton. Acceptable CCLs include SSCC, AMZNCC, BPS, or GTIN-14 (with special permission).
ChargebackAmazon withholds payment to account for defects in the supply chain. "Chargeback" is the term Amazon uses for this deduction.
CHEP PalletCommonwealth Handling Equipment Pool PalletA pallet provided through the CHEP Pallet Pooling service.
ClampableA product that cannot be moved with a pallet jack must be clampable. This means that a clamp truck, equipped with 2 vertical 4x4 sheets of metal, can maneuver around and lift the freight by squeezing the clamps together.
CollectFreight charges are paid by the consignee (Amazon). This is also called "WePay."
Confirmation RateThe number of units accepted relative to the number of units ordered by Amazon (regardless of the confirmation code or reason code).
ConsolidationMultiple shipments combined into one truck.
Contact-UsAmazon's vendor-facing customer service portal.
CrossdockAmazon's hub and spoke concept for inbound freight. Also see Inbound Crossdock.
CubeFreight volume (Length x Weight x Height).
CubiscanAmazon's tool to measure and document the cube of a product (ASIN-level).
Delivery WindowThe earliest and latest dates by which a carrier must request an appointment at an Amazon fulfillment center for the freight to be considered "on-time." This parameter is specified on each purchase order (PO).
Each ReceiveAmazon can receive shipments grouped at the each, case, or pallet level.
EANEuropean Article NumberA 13-digit product identifier used internationally, represented as a barcode. This barcode is comparable to a UPC and is used at the ASIN level for products.
EDDEstimated Delivery DateThe date when freight is expected to arrive and be received at an Amazon fulfillment center.
EDIElectronic Data InterchangeA method of electronically transmitting formatted data messages between Amazon, vendors, carriers, and drop shippers. Amazon uses the EDI standards X12 (for US and JP) or EDIFACT (for EU) for this purpose.
EREfficient ReceiveEfficient receive is the most automated method of product receive at an Amazon fulfillment center. Product is considered "Efficient receive" when it is received through the Amazon vision tunnel or parcel identifier (PID), or when it has been license plate (LP) received.
ESDExpected Ship DateThe date when freight is expected to be picked up from a vendor site. Amazon calculates an Expected Delivery Date (EDD) based on the provided ESD.
External IDExternal IdentificationAn ASIN-level barcode that, when scanned, links directly to the ASIN in the Amazon catalog as input by the vendor.
FBAFulfilled By AmazonA service purchased by third-party sellers worldwide, where Amazon stores, packs, ships, and handles customer service for their products.
FCFulfillment CenterAmazon facilities designed to store goods for extended periods and ship products directly to customers.
FRDFreight Ready DayThe requested pickup date provided by vendors in the carrier routing request.
FFPFrustration Free PackagingAmazon's certification level for packaging that reduces material usage in shipping, minimizing consumer frustration and lowering total landed costs.
Glance ViewA metric that tracks consumer visits to a product page on, used to calculate out-of-stock (OOS) occurrences.
GMA PalletGrocery Manufacturers Association PalletPallet specifications provided by the Grocery Manufacturers Association Pallet Recycling Corporation.
GTINGlobal Trade Identification NumberA product-level label, similar to UPC, EAN, or ISBN, used for identification in global trade.
HazmatHazardous MaterialsProducts classified as dangerous goods under the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR).
IATInbound Andon TrackerA log of inbound defects that may trigger a notification to a vendor in case it is identified as a vendor defect.
InnerPackAn interim layer between a carton or masterpack and the sellable product. Sometimes used interchangeably with "case."
ISA-CRDDInbound Shipment Appointment Carrier Requested Delivery DateThe CRDD recorded on Amazon's dockmaster tool referenced when calculating the actual arrival date.
ISBNInternational Standard Book NumberA global industry-standard identifier primarily used for books and also applied to some DVDs, CDs, and other media.
ISTAInternational Safe Transit AssociationThe leading industry developer of testing protocols and design standards that define how packages should perform in the global distribution environment.
ItemA sellable product. Interchangeable term with product / each / unit.
IXDInbound CrossdockAmazon's hub and spoke concept for inbound freight. This is one of the many fulfillment center methods by which Amazon will order product.
late _ po _ ackLate PO AcknowledgementDisposition for a late acknowledgement of a purchase order (PO).
LP ReceiveLicense Plate ReceiveA receive process where items are received by scanning a barcode (SSCC/AMZNCC) on the outside of the package, eliminating the need to scan each individual item.
LTLLess Than TruckloadA shipment that typically fills less than 50% of a 53-foot trailer. The freight is consolidated by the carrier before moving to its destination.
MAN*GMA segment in EDI code for an ASN. For more info, refer to Vendor Central technical specifications on EDI.
MasterPackRefers to a product arranged in multiple cascades, including the innerpack. A masterpack is most often the carton itself. It’s also possible to have a single carton contain multiple masterpacks, each with multiple innerpacks, which in turn contain multiple sellable products.
MRMilkrunRefers to a scheduled route in which a carrier is dedicated to run from one zip code to a fulfillment center at a specific time each week. This is also called a Unified Milk Run and has historically been referred to as a Static Milk Run or a Dynamic Milk Run.
MixedAmazon fulfillment centers (FCs) that handle both sortable and non-sortable products.
MOMMonth Over MonthTime segment used by Amazon for reporting purposes.
NOCNetwork Operations CenterAmazon's freight scheduling team.
Non-ERNon-Efficient ReceiveProduct that is not efficiently received.
Non-SortProducts that, due to their volume dimensions, are too large to flow through certain Amazon fulfillment centers known as sortable sites.
ORM-DOther Related Materials-DomesticA marking for consumer commodities in the United States that identifies "other regulated materials" for domestic transport only. Packages with this mark contain hazardous material in limited quantities that present a limited hazard during transportation due to their form, quantity, and packaging.
OverageUnits received in excess of the expected quantity. This can be virtual or physical. However, most overages are virtual and result from errors in labeling, ASN, catalog, or shipment timeliness requirements. Amazon uses a smart match process to reconcile overages and shortages but records and reports overages and shortages on first receive.
OverweightProduct that exceeds the weight limits specified in the shipment preparation guide.
Packing ListA document prepared by the vendor that lists all items and their quantities in a particular shipment.
PalletA movable platform used to stack cases or boxes to facilitate handling and transportation.
Pallet LPPallet License PlateSee LP Receive.
Pallet ReceiveProduct received in aggregate, either because it is a single-ASIN pallet or because the base layers of the pallet were more efficiently received and stored in aggregate rather than being broken down and individually received.
PantryAmazon operates a separate fulfillment center network for products sold under the Pantry label on
PIDParcel IdentifierAlso known as a vision tunnel, it is a six-sided scanner on a conveyor belt used by Amazon at its sortable fulfillment centers to receive cartons.
PECO PalletA pallet from the PECO pallet rental service.
Pickup DelayThe calculation of days past the Freight Ready Day (FRD), excluding delays caused by fulfillment center scheduling issues.
POPurchase OrderThe formal contract between Amazon and vendors representing product orders placed by Amazon with those vendors.
po _ fill _ rateFill RateThe ratio of received unit count to the confirmed unit count.
PrepActions taken to prepare products to be in an outbound-ready condition prior to receive and stow at the Amazon FC.
Prep - Cap SealRefers to cap seal non-compliance. For more information, refer to prep training on Vendor Central.
PrepaidFreight charges are paid by the consignor (vendor). Also referred to as "TheyPay."
PROProgressive Rotating NumberA reference string created by carriers to track freight movement. The PRO typically consists of a sequence of digits, but sometimes the SCAC is included with the PRO on barcode stickers.
ProbRecProblem ReceiveProduct that could not be auto-received or manually received upon arrival due to specific conditions. This product is set aside for a specialized associate to resolve the issue and receive it into an available, open purchase order.
PST/PDTPacific Standard Time/Pacific Daylight TimeTime zones used in the western United States, Canada, and parts of Mexico. PST is observed during standard time periods, and PDT is observed during daylight saving time, advancing the clocks by one hour.
Replenishable ASINReplenishable Amazon Standard Item NumberA product that Amazon's buying system considers to be in stock with the supplying vendor, based on confirmation codes or acknowledgments provided against purchase orders (POs).
RepOOSReplenishable Out of StockA product that receives consumer views (glance view), is considered replenishable (Amazon believes the supplying vendor has stock available), but is not in a FastTrack or shippable status when viewed on by consumers. This status is represented as a percentage.
Retail RepresentativeA person from Amazon's team who purchases goods, manages inventory, and/or oversees the relationship between Amazon and vendors.
RMAReturn Merchandise AuthorizationA process that allows vendors to authorize returns through the Vendor Central or Advantage website.
RoutingRouting involves generating shipment routes based on dimensions and attributes provided, such as pickup date, location, freight type, and destination. Amazon receives routing requests from vendors and creates freight plans that are then tendered to carriers for execution according to the shipment plans.
Routing ConsistencyTrailer capacity utilization based on the weight and volume of pallet positions relative to available weight and volume per pallet position in a trailer. This term is used by Amazon to measure and track space utilization efficiency.
Routing RequestA web-based application accessible to vendors (routing can be done in Vendor Central and EDI 753 / 754 for EDI live) that facilitates the movement of inventory from a vendor’s distribution center to an Amazon Fulfillment Center (FC). This process is mandatory for all collect shipments, regardless of weight.
SCRepOOSSupply Chain Replenishable Out of StockRefers to RepOOS status based on supply chain attributes.
SCACStandard Carrier Alpha CodeA unique, four-letter alphanumeric code used to identify a carrier.
SIOCShip In Own ContainerAn Amazon packaging certification granted to vendors whose products do not require an additional outer box (overboxing) when shipped to the end consumer.
SIPPShip in Product PackagingFormerly SIOC. Starting January 2025, products in packaging larger than 18 x 14 x 8 inches or heavier than 20 lbs must be certified as Ships in Product Packaging (SIPP) to avoid Amazon chargebacks per unit shipped.
Ship WindowThe earliest and latest date by which a vendor must request a pickup appointment (FRD/RR) for freight to be considered "on-time". This is a parameter specified on every purchase order (PO).
ShortageUnits received that are fewer than the expected quantity. This can be virtual or physical. Most shortages are virtual and result from errors in labeling, ASN, catalog, or shipment timeliness requirements. Amazon uses a smart match process to reconcile overages and shortages but records and reports them upon initial receipt.
SKUStock Keeping UnitA merchant-specific identifier for a purchasable product.
SortableProduct that, due to its volume dimensions, is small enough to flow through all of Amazon's fulfillment centers (FCs).
SSCCSSerial Shipping Container CodeAn 18-digit number prefixed with two zeros used to identify logistics units, commonly used in License Plate (LP) Receive processes.
TenderRefers to aggregation of ARNs. Routing requests are aggregated into shipments which are then tendered to carriers.
TheyPayRefers to freight charges being paid by the consignor (vendor). This term is also known as "Prepaid."
TrailerA shipping container transported over the road by a tractor. The most common size in the US is the 53-foot trailer.
Trailing 4 WeeksA timeframe used for analytical and reporting purposes.
TLTruckloadA shipment that fills more than 50% of a 53-foot trailer.
UnitRefers to the consumer-level sellable product. For example, a pallet containing 12 cartons, each containing 12 sellable products, contains 144 units.
UPCUniversal Product CodeA standard type of barcode used in North America for tracking trade items.
VLTVendor Lead TimeThe total duration from the submission of a purchase order (PO) to its receipt. Amazon collects VLT data at the unit-ASIN level, which includes various time segment subcomponents such as VTTS or FC Receive time.
VTTSVendor Time To ShipThe duration from the submission of a purchase order (PO) to the Freight Ready Date (FRD). It is a component of Vendor Lead Time (VLT).
VendorFlexAmazon's program for vendors who allocate a section of their warehouse exclusively for fulfilling Amazon orders. This designated area is operated by Amazon staff and serves as a network node.
VTTDVendor Time To DeliverThe duration from the submission of a purchase order (PO) to the first Carrier Requested Delivery Date (CRDD). It is a component of Vendor Lead Time (VLT).
WePayFreight charges are paid by the consignee (Amazon). This term is also referred to as "Collect."
WOWWeek Over WeekTime segment used by Amazon for reporting purposes.
YOYYear Over YearTime segment used by Amazon for reporting purposes.
YTDYear To DateTime segment used by Amazon for reporting purposes.

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Written by Shawn Oleson

About Shawn Oleson

Shawn is the Retail Insights Manager for Amazon at SupplyPike. His experience supporting 1P brands at Amazon helps our teams build a quality product for our customers.

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Shawn Oleson



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