Does anyone miss Valentine’s Day at school? The grade-school days of homemade cards, candy, and crafts need a comeback in the office setting. 🌹💝
Target is red, Walmart is blue, deductions wreak havoc on your revenue.
Target is red, Walmart is blue, Home Depot is orange, and Amazon is a similar hue!
Target is red, Walmart is blue, and we have one-click disputing – SupplyPike to the rescue!
Target is red, Walmart is blue, suppliers are tired, and it's not even Q2.
Target is red, Walmart is blue, SupplierWiki resources are here for you!
Target is red, Walmart is blue, always over-prepare for line reviews.
Feel free to use some of this supplier POetry on your co-workers on February 14th. Or make up your own and send it to us!