Walmart Item Setup Cheat Sheet

Walmart Item Setup Cheat Sheet

🗺️ Need a guide when navigating Retail Link's Item Setup and Maintenance app, Item 360? Save this Cheat Sheet to your desktop or print it out for quick reference when setting up your Walmart Items.

Get the collection of some of the most helpful resources for suppliers when setting up new items at Walmart. Below are the four main topics covered in SupplierWiki's Item Setup Cheat Sheet. Download this reference guide for the details about Walmart's Item setup and maintenance.

  • GDSN Setup - Understand the building blocks of item setup from ID types to key terms.
  • Item Management Tools - Know what functions are built into Item 360 or other Retail Link Apps
  • Common Supplier Errors - We've complied the most mentioned errors with item setup and how to combat them
  • Additional Resources - Find the most updated Walmart help docs for item setup; all linked in one place
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