Need-to-Knows for New Walmart Suppliers

Need-to-Knows for New Walmart Suppliers

Whether you're new to the supply chain, CPG industry, Walmart, or just need a refresher, this course is designed to cover the basics for Walmart suppliers.  

Learn how to best use Walmart's supplier platform, Retail Link, without pulling your hair out. Our experts will also cover the unstated best practices when it comes to talking to your buyer, disputing chargebacks, and leveraging new supplier programs.

Learn About:

  • What are the Most Important Apps on Retail Link?
  • What are the Best Practices for Deductions and Compliance Fines?
  • How Do I Build a Good Relationship with My Walmart Team?
  • What Should Suppliers Know about the Newest Walmart Initiatives Like the Collect Pickup Program and QuickMods?
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