What's New in Walmart's Supplier One

Since Supplier One has launched, many features have been updated and added. Join Allie and Danielle as they explore the platform and break down important features!


What's New in Walmart's Supplier One


[00:00:00] Danielle Gloy: My name is Danielle Gloy. I will be monitoring the chat today and then leading our content is Peter Spaulding. So we both work on the SupplierWiki team and just a little bit about us here at SupplierWiki We create free educational content with the main goal of setting suppliers like you up for success.

we do this in a couple of different ways. For example, through webinars. We have free ebooks that you can download, and articles that you can read, all available on our website. We also have a weekly newsletter that goes out. we usually put retailer updates in there, or supplier hot topics. if you're looking for a quick read and just want to stay updated on the industry, I'll send that link out in the chat for you to sign up.

Okay, so moving on to the agenda, we are going to start off the webinar with a brief overview on what SupplierOne is, then we will go over some of the platform's main features. We have seen a lot of updates occur in this area, so we'll discuss all of them today. and then just how you can optimize each feature.

After we have gone through the content portion, we will do a live Q& A with Peter and myself and then we'll wrap up the webinar with a bonus product preview of our Walmart solution. So lots of great stuff to cover today. All right, so here are a few FAQs that we typically get during webinars. So the first being, we'll be getting a copy of the slide deck Yes, absolutely.

So we always send a copy of the slide deck in PDF format as well as the recording of this webinar. So that should appear in your email inbox in about three to four business days. If you go to our website, you can also find all of our past webinar recordings and a PDF of those. PDF of those slide decks available to download.

And then the second question that we often get is, what is the best way to ask a question? So at the bottom of your screen, you will see a chat tab and then a Q& A tab. So the chat tab is going to be a great place to engage with the group or to share any insights that you may have. And then the best way to submit a question is through that Q& A tab, because I'll be able to monitor them and then tee them up for Peter for the Q& A time at the end.

Okay, so last thing we have here is introducing you to SupplyPike. I introduced you to SupplierWiki earlier. We are just a part within SupplyPike. SupplyPike is actually a platform that helps suppliers get paid and get better. So this is done with a software that identifies, recovers, and prevents deductions and compliance issues.

So we do this in a lot of different ways and with multiple different retailers. some things we specifically cover at Walmart include like AP deductions, OTIF, SQEP, overages, et cetera. So anything that could be impacting your bottom line, we have built these tools to help target and resolve those revenue loss issues.

We will be touching on this in the product preview at the end. So stay tuned for that. But in the meantime, I'm going to hand it over to Peter to get in today's content.

[00:03:08] Peter Spaulding: Thank you, Danielle, and thank you, everyone for showing up and contributing today. We've got some polls, so we'll be wanting to hear a little bit from you as well.

With SupplierOne, the tricky thing is just that it's new, but it's big, it can do so many different things, so we'll be, keeping our finger on the pulse of how that's going for you guys, just to yeah, just to, Scope it out. how is SupplierOne functioning as a kind of replacement for some of these other retail link apps?

So SupplierOne, really the mindset behind it from Walmart's perspective is to get a lot of the disparate retail link apps together in the same place and to help streamline and help suppliers prioritize, supplier action. So whatever that is maybe on the item. side of things, or maybe on the deduction side of things, whatever it might be.

Let's get all of those together in one place so that we can have a dashboard that will help people to fix their priorities in ways that Walmart wants them to be fixed. So all of this, again, take with a grain of salt. This is Walmart's perspective on what the supplier's priorities should be.

But at the same time, suppliers are still motivated to think in those terms because there can be serious revenue loss whenever those thresholds aren't met. that's the main kind of idea. I like to think of it in terms of triage, which is a word that I use a lot whenever we're talking about the supplier life in major retailers.

It's really hard to understand what the priorities should be, which deductions to go after first, which ones you can delay a little bit. All of that is a pretty kind of tricky thing, especially when it comes to accounting. But when it comes to other things like item setup or the right kind of item level detail and reporting, things like that, it's very difficult to create your own kind of individual system of prioritization.

So In some ways this is helpful for suppliers, I would think because it. gives them Walmart's, it gives them a sense of what Walmart thinks their priorities should be.that's the main sort of heart behind it. in Q2 of this year, we should probably add in the year there just in case you're downloading the slide deck so you can see that.

Walmart announced that SupplierOne would replace item 360 and now it has. So now SupplierOne is basically an essential for all Walmart suppliers. It's replacing now major Institutions in RetailLink. So does that mean that Walmart is eventually going to migrate all suppliers on to SupplierOne from RetailLink?

Is SupplierOne a long term RetailLink replacement? We don't really know. Aspen was another RetailLink app that has recently been replaced. So there seems to be this trend moving in this direction. Perhaps Walmart just wants to have a different platform, have a different kind of setup for their suppliers that will help them with that whole process.

So we'll dig into that, the details of that a little bit more here in a little bit. Retail Link is still, I think, an essential for suppliers. There's most of the communication that Walmart does with their suppliers is through Retail Link. There's still a lot of Essential functions in there that you don't find anywhere else.

it's not yet, SupplierOne isn't yet a complete replacement of it, but there are a lot of mirrored functions from the major retail link apps like APDP, And, Nova and Item360. So these apps are now being replicated, they're being reproduced in SupplierOne. There's some minor differences, but not a ton.

So basically, that's what we're looking at as of now. We are not. We're not yet confident that RetailLink is going away. It's still an essential kind of, what we've called it here is a one stop shop platform for all or most things essential to supplier performance. Things like, Luminate. Luminate is not in RetailLink.

It used to be DSS, and DSS did live in RetailLink. So you would do your, all of your reporting was through an app in RetailLink as well. So But again, we've seen this trend of moving things out of RetailLink into either SupplierOne or a new kind of platform. So yes, it's still, we're still all over the place.

RetailLink is a major pain point for a lot of suppliers. It's not a great platform, but it was nice having everything in one place. Now you have, you have SupplierOne, you have RetailLink, and you have Luminate, and they should all be utilized at different times or by different team members. at a at a retailer team.

In a supplier. so yeah, there's a lot that's going on now, and that's one of the downsides of this, is there's, they all have the same creds. So if you're logging into supplier one, you're gonna use your retail link creds. If you're logging into Luminate, you're gonna use the retail link creds, and you still have a retail link admin who's gonna be the one who kind of controls all of that or communicates with Walmart about all of that.

But. It's getting a little bit spread out. So I'm curious to see what the future of all of that is. Luminate is going to be now Scintilla in 2025. They're calling it Scintilla. I don't know if it's Skintilla. I hope it's not pronounced Skintilla. I think it's pronounced Scintilla. That will be the new kind of rebranding of Luminate, but it's going to be the same thing.

As far as we know, as of now, it's just a name change. but yeah, things are, there's different platforms for different things that you need to do. but yes, SupplierOne, we like to call a secondary platform, like Luminate. It's not the primary platform. platform. It's a secondary platform with some major overlap with the major retailing apps.

So it's a concentration of those tools in one place, especially item management, returns management, deductions, things like that. We'll get into all of those kind of details here in a little bit.touched on this a little bit, we're not totally sure where it's going. Is SupplierOne supposed to be a long term retail link replacement?

We don't know. In the early trainings and announcements of SupplierOne, I think it was just this time last year that they started rolling it out, in their early adopter program. Basically, there was a lot of language of we're not gonna We're not replacing these apps as of now. That was the language that they were using.

And then, item 360 went away. Aspen has gone away now too. So maybe this is the long term replacement, but we're not totally sure. So we're going to do our first, Zoom poll of the day. So we've got a few of you in here. We just want to hear from you about, what your SupplierOne user experience has been like so far.

Have you used it? have you not, has it been smooth sailing, not great, you missed item 360, or you're still trying to figure it out. Still trying to figure it out, I think, for those of you who haven't used it yet, either, could apply there, too. Okay. I think we got some submissions. Yeah, we have, so we have most people are selecting that third option.

They're still trying to figure out the platform, and of course, if you're here, that kind of makes sense. Thanks. Thanks. you're here to learn a little bit more about it. And then we have one,person saying, yeah, smooth sailing. It's been going really so far too. So that's great. We like to hear that.

As far as the transition from something like an item 360 to SupplierOne goes, it is a much easier transition than the transition from DSS to Luminate. DSS to Luminate was basically Walmart changing the language that they use for reporting without giving you a dictionary for translating that. So all new reports are being pulled.

there's new data that Walmart wants. The Luminate data is apparently more accurate than DSS was. So a lot of people are seeing new numbers that are a little bit disturbing. And I think by and large, when it comes to transitioning from Item360 to SupplierOne, it hasn't been as big of a pain point.

That's what I've heard. but it is a huge app and there's a lot more that's going on in SupplierOne than just item management. yeah, we'll, We'll, look for that. I think you guys can see the results now. Maybe Danielle showed that already. Sorry about that. Okay, we'll move on. So we'll get into the main features and if a lot of you are newer to SupplierOne, this should be pretty helpful, but it's been developing a lot over the last year.

So these changes are happening all the time and it's important to stay up with that as well. I want to call out the ShipPoint management. In SupplierOne is a new feature. This is a pretty new development. that was Aspen and RetailInk. And Aspen itself was a pretty new app in RetailInk. No more than two years old or a year and a half old.

So this is the rate of change that we're looking at. If SupplierOne is going to become a new hub of all of the essential things for suppliers, then we might see other bigger apps like Nova, APDP get migrated into SupplierOne and retailing phased out. and really the Aspen, the ShipPoint management feature in SupplierOne screams that to me.

Cause it was a new app. There had been a lot of work that people had put into developing it. APDP is not that old of an app either.that was, I think it was direct commerce. It, was what. People were using for disputing AP deductions before. And then in the last, I want to say four or five years, they switched over to APDP.

that's an enormous amount of work that goes into the development of that app in Retail Inc. So for Walmart To be creating new apps in RetailLink and then offloading them in the matter of a few years, that's pretty, that should be sending a message at least of one kind or another. So I want to call that out.

Aspen is now gone. It was new. Maybe you never heard of it. It's gone. And now it lives in ShipPoint Management and SupplierOne.but yeah, so these, we've called out the branded,app names in RetailLink here on the right and the mirrored functionality that those correspond to with the left nav and in Supplier One.

So the first one there, order management, that's your Nova. So that's your POs, all of your orders, all of that stuff that you're doing in Nova. You can now do that in order management as well. Nova is still up as to, as far as I know, let us know, definitely let us know in the chat if Nova is gone. that would be big news.

But as of now, I think it's just the functionality that's mirrored. So you could do all of your order management stuff in Nova still if you wanted to, or you could do it in SupplierOne. Nova, I think, is also a relatively new app in RetailLink. I don't know what it replaced, but, with big, Super important apps like NOVA and APDB.

It's really hard to imagine those going away really quickly and everything migrating over to SupplierOne. But yeah, that's the state of things. Item 360 was really big. It was so important. And now it's gone. that is in Items and Inventory, which is your second little, your second Item there on the sidebar.

Ship point management, which was Aspen. You've got payments. So that's payments and deductions data slash info. we'll get into that a little bit because that's really our wheelhouse, SupplyPike's wheelhouse is deductions management basically, and disputing and then reports. So those are your consolidated reports there.

And you've got the Performance tab and Demand Forecasts. The performance is, you're looking at basically returns reporting and trends, and different scorecards. And then you have your Store Demand, Forecast, Daily Demand, and Inventory Record, and Demand and Forecasts down there. So we'll cover these in a little bit of detail here.

We're going to talk But we've got some deep dives on these individual ones as well if you're interested in those too. Order management. So this is designed to replicate and improve upon some of the functionality in RetailLinks Nova. Order management is designed to keep track of orders by a number of different filters, of course.

So past due, shipped today, new, cancellation request, and closed orders. this is all really essential stuff for avoiding fines as well. and we always, maybe it's not the best way to think about it, but we're always thinking in terms of money and in terms of fines. So order management is really close to that as well.

We're not talking about deductions. We're not talking about accounting yet, but it's intimately connected because all of this stuff will be, will affect that as well. If you're really on top of your order management, you're going to save yourself a ton of money in shortages and overages down the road as well, right?

but this is what your dashboard looks like. You've got PO number, supply chain, your nine digit agreement number. So that's your,your category specific number there. And then you've got the MABD, original MABD, if there's a discrepancy there, if it's been changed, that will be reflected there too.

So you can look at all that. You can filter by a timeframe and that's all there too. This now has full visibility of all import orders, so it's fully up to date. And the change eliminates the need to switch between different systems to manage import orders. So you don't need to,you don't need to go into multiple apps.

Order information can be exported into an Excel file, with options for, header, line, or description. distribution level data. So you can get really granular with that as well. And then you can track your POs in real time, which is really helpful as well. We've got our, the pathway to get to looking at those right there.

Gotta click on the individual PO. Suppliers can also take other actions like, you can update orders with ImportPO revision, and you can download order details with ImportPO delivery, as well as, of course, checking on that order status. So a lot like Nova, a lot like what you would, a lot like what would be going on there, that's all happening there.

So that communication with Walmart about individual POs is what's going on there. And items and inventory, it's not just one page with a dashboard with different things that you can click into. It's broken down into a few different things, right? Of course, you want to be able to look at your catalog at any time, but you're going to be creating new items here.

You're going to be, maintaining or editing. Item information here as well. And then you've got that SubmissionsManager for tickets and different kinds of things that are going on too. So items in inventory, it's more built out, I guess you could say. There's just more things that you have to do with items,that are categorically different from each other than you would with orders.

So we'll look into these a little bit here. The catalog is where you've got everything there and you can break it down by the Walmart item number or the GTIN slash UPC. So you can look at things basically by how you're categorizing items and how Walmart's categorizing items. So super important, for following up on that there too.

Your setup hub, that's where you're going to do your item setup too. So if you want to add an item proposal, that'll happen there as well. And then you can set up shippers and multi boxes. The e com items that ship in multiple boxes is what those are. You can do all that there. Maintenance Hub, I talked about this a little bit already, but this is where you can go in for, everything that falls under the big umbrella of item maintenance.

you have, product content, site experience details, which is just, all the rage right now. It's so important to have good SEO within maintenance. The com platform, and then item configuration and supply chain, DSV inventory, imagery and rich media. Again, these are like the big things that everyone's talking about when it comes to really growing your Walmart business or really growing your retailer business in, in, in any of the major retailers is having that com,optimization, and omni channel optimization.

And then submissions manager. That's where you're going to have communications with Walmart about that whole process. like any other ticket, management sort of platform, you're going to have your different statuses there as well. Is this something that Walmart needs to work on or something that I need to work on?

and then you can look at the back order of completed. tickets as well. That's what's going on there. So that's just for item. That's just for item specific things.catalog dashboard is going to look a little bit like this. and they'll have that really nice, really content quality, score here too, which is really helpful if you want to filter by that and you can do some triage that way.

Again, with prioritizing, what are the biggest needs, is How are our highest performing items doing? Do they have a low score? that could be a major point of revenue loss as well, or, a growth opportunity to, it's doesn't always have to be so negative. the setup hub looks like this.

This is very similar to the way that the supplier one dashboard used to look like it used to have a kind of an items, items and inventory bias, I would say. But yeah, you can, You can do item proposals, set up new GTINs, in the item section. You can do shipper setup and multibox for ecom, all there.

And it's broken down nicely into the, into those four. Maintenance Hub looks like this. So there's a bunch of different, there's a bunch of different things that you might want to do to make your items more, searchable on walmart. com or,to have more to smooth out the supply chain, maybe in, an item configuration and all that.

So that's what maintenance hub is really primarily for. Really, it, you can really maximize the dot com presence, in that, maintenance hub.this is a newer kind of feature that we wanted to highlight in the maintenance hub is product type maintenance. This will allow suppliers to directly update the product type for existing items without filing tickets.

So it just takes a lot of, takes some of the time out of that process. It helps ensure the correct product type is assigned, which is what's going to help drive, the necessary attributes for better content quality. Again, just more sales, Better. com performance and all that. So submitted changes will still be reviewed and approved by the content operations team.

but it should lead to enhanced search and browse experiences for customers, boosting all of that. That's what Walmart wants. That's what you guys want. and everyone can be. aligned on that. And then this is your submissions manager. Big call out here. Of course, they got the nice little color code, color coded status updates, very simple statuses as well, which, may be nice.

it may have to grow in the future with something like supplier action. Are they going to get more specific about, what that actually is in the status in order to Make it a smoother transition all that remains to be seen but for now, it's basically this is your job This is my job. This is discarded.

This is complete. That's basically all that is really being communicated there. Okay Payments and charges. This is really super, super important tab. This is the APDP functionality. So a lot of people are still using APDP. I don't know if this is exactly completely up to date with everything that you can do in APDP.

Something like mass dispute creation, I think. Maybe we'll cover this on later slides.and I'm forgetting. I don't know if you can do mass dispute creation in SupplierOne yet. it may be that this isn't completely up to speed, but there is still a lot of that. You can look at your deductions, and you can look at your payment history, and you can look at your disputes, all here.

yeah, not completely up to date, but,it looks like it's getting there. It looks like we're moving to a place where APDP, everything you can do there, you can do in SupplierOne. but yeah, basically this is just the, this is just all things related to money and to money discrepancies, to fines and deductions on the AP side of things.

Again, we're talking about AP deductions, we're talking about deductions generally. We're not talking about compliance fines. Those are different things. Even though they're really functioning in similar ways, all of that is still going to live in high radius, for now. As of now is the language that Walmart likes to use.

so yeah, but you can really dive into the details about deductions, on, in this platform. And that's what your dashboard is going to look like. You can filter by individual supplier IDs or all of them. And then you can filter by date of the PO. you got a bunch of different date ranges there.

Okay. So Walmart is breaking this down basically by, by kind of deduction. So receiving that's going to be your like, shortages and overages.Negotiated funding is very similar to allowances in that this is stuff that really your supplier agreement is going to cover. and then, you've got invoice and returns there as well.

This is not, this isn't universal language within Walmart for how they want us to think about AP deductions necessarily. we don't hear a lot of talk about receiving. We hear a lot of talk about shortages and overages. yeah, all of that is new, new language for categorizing these AP deductions.

So yeah, keep an eye out for that. And here we have, of course, the receiving is going to take up such a big portion of that. Shortages, overages, these are the real, these are the real kind of, the big boys when it comes to revenue loss. And they're the ones that really most people are going to be focusing on.  

the, there's a new feature we want to call out here too is, the deductions breakdown. this is used to take suppliers out of this, sorry, this used to take suppliers out of SupplierOne, but it's now accessible through a link built into the platform. You can view the deduction, based off of the PO date, invoice date, check date, whatever it is.

It's a cool new feature we wanted to highlight. Payment history, so this is going to track your DSV payments. or the Walmart's DSP payments to the supplier, and, filterable by supplier ID, distribution center, and report date. it'll also have some deductions data in there as well. yeah, I'm gonna call that out.

yeah, your PO number, your distributions, the distribution center ID, the DC name, date marked as shipped, amount paid to vendor. These are the sortable columns and and each has their own different advantages depending on what kind of insights you're looking for. but yeah, it's going to be tricky to organize,but these are helpful buckets for talking about how you can, how you can generate insights based off of that.

Now you can, you can look at your disputes as well. view disputes related to the account's payable claims process. So that's all of your APDP disputes that you're putting through. the latest dispute data is available and it displays up to 5, 000 rows regardless of any filters applied. this is what it looks like here.

You've got different, different statuses.you can have cancelled, denial conceded, a bunch of other things as well. that's what your dashboard is going to look like there. But you can filter by code, you can filter by dispute number. The six digit supplier ID, as well. if you have more than one of those, that's what that looks like.

I'm talking about, I want to cover reports here briefly as well.this centralizes cost and payment reports. and, it has, Fairly simple, downloads process. it's a, a new report feature that centralizes cost and payment reports. there, that's what it looks like. Cost and pricing, view managed, view vendor managed pricing.

Should have different file options for how you want to download that as well.it has, it's also,got different kind of, Sorry, there's a new report feature that centralizes cost and payment reports, that, looks like this as well. So you've got your, within vendor managed pricing, paid invoice details, unpaid invoice details, 90 days paid detail, store sales.

So that's a free Walmart Luminate report that's now connected here as well as e commerce sales. So whenever they, when they're talking about free Walmart Luminate reports, what they mean is you don't need to have Charter to look at those. That's essential reporting information that Walmart does not make you pay for Charter to view.

And then, for easier access, links to different Luminate reports. I was just talking about here. there's some others too that they'll include there so that they can promote Charter as well. that's a, it's a different conversation altogether. it seems more and more like whenever we talk about, any of these major platforms, we end up having to talk about all the others as well.

but yeah, so some of these OTIF purchase orders, you have to have Charter to look at those in Luminate, for that as well. Is it worth it? That's a different question for a different day. But we talk about Luminate a lot and we talk about that question of is it the right business decision for you to go with Charter or not, in different webinars, different content.

Excuse me.our last one here is the performance tab. So this is. Basically, pretty similar to the home tab, pretty similar to the, the old dashboard, the landing page for supplier one. It'll give you, it'll give you a more of a higher level view of your content quality, across the nine digit or six digit supplier number, your OTIF performance and PO accuracy.

So it's a hodgepodge of different sort of, Performance metrics, but, yeah, the main thing really that they're talking about is your, your item detail content quality, your OTIF performance, and then, PO accuracy is also talked about in terms of the first phase of the Supplier Quality Excellence Program.

so that's living here too, for now. but yeah, it's still growing out. So there's some things you can still see, you can still see and pull reports for in full e com and store, on time e com and store, on time collect ready, and then content quality both for e com and in store. so you can pull all of those here.

with a supplier ID basically in the drop down menu and you can look at those. You can pull those and look at those. Not so much a dashboard as a dashboard of reports that can be pulled. And then your return trends. This used to have its own tab was the returns tab and then they put it under performance here.

but yeah, this is basically what's the state of your returns. it's broken down by GMV, units and return reasons, depending on, what you're looking for, how you want to actually look at it. GMV is broken down, into return dollars and GMV return rate. Both of which,are always, as with anything basically in these dashboards, it's just going to be compared with the previous period.

It'll give you that, that green up arrow or the red down arrow. And then units is broken down into return units and units return rate. and those are also, compared against the same previous window, same previous time. So these return reasons, again, this is newer, this is new, a newer level of insight for something as broad as SupplierOne, but we're really getting into the details of why is it that these,that the item was returned.

So some of these are, customer related. Some of these are, supply, sorry, retailer related. But you have changed mine, damage doesn't work, didn't meet expectations, incorrect or missing items, poor quality or other. so yeah, pretty standard return reason codes there as well. And that's what your claims and return scorecard dashboard is going to look like. with those numbers compared to the previous period.

Okay. So we're going to talk about ShipPoint Management now. We skipped over it in the last section because we want to highlight it. and, how it's similar to Aspen, maybe some of the ways that it's different. the language, a few months ago, or last month was hinting that, This migration will happen officially.

I think it has happened, but not totally sure. Don't have complete confirmation over that. but yeah, you've got your updates, your release notes listed here. Very similar in style to the release notes in Luminate. That can be helpful for, again, getting that sense of what's the long term plan here.

let us know if you're using Aspen, let us know in the chat. I was under the impression that Aspen was gone, that you can't actually access it anymore, in RetailLink, but maybe that's premature.what is it that you're actually doing here?you're managing lead times and shipping calendars.

This is the stuff that,the TPSP 2. 0 is really important for as well. How can you set up a new ship point? so here you can do a lot of that too. View and edit ship points. You can track the nine digit agreements, review submitted changes, or exceptions and create new ship points, or override events.

yeah, a lot of the stuff that you, that you can do or would have done in the TSPC 2. 0 or in Aspen is just migrated here. You can see that breakdown up here into the four kind of big categories. Changes under review, overrides, exceptions, nine digit agreements, and ship points. And then if you want to create a new ship point or override event, That's going to happen there in the top right hand corner.

And then, if you wanted to make edits to,to a shipment, you do that under the actions tab there. So we wanted to call that out too. All right. Is this something you guys are using? Have you started using ShipPoint management in SupplierOne? And if you have, what was that experience like?

It's connected to my previous question of do we. Do you still have access to Aspen? it is not available to me yet, is our number one answer that we're seeing people respond to, which is interesting. And for those, I would assume, what we're looking at is people who are still using Aspen or the TSPC 2.

0 to do ship point creation and stuff like that. Great. Fascinating. maybe this will migrate over, completely in the next couple of months. we'll see. Okay. I don't see any questions in the Q and A. Definitely get those in now if you, haven't already, but I'll hand this over to Danielle in the meantime, talk about some of our resources.

[00:34:08] Danielle Gloy: Yes, thank you for running through all that content, Peter. And thank you for everybody in the chat, just for engaging. We really love the participation. so just as we maybe wait for some questions to come through, I'll just pull out some of our resources. So if you're looking for more hands on material that you can just go and look back to, we have multiple eBooks that cover a variety of topics from different retailers.

The ones up on the screen are some of our, Most popular, but some recent ones that we've released that have also just been so helpful. Suppliers is like a Walmart's, departments, categories, and fine lines cheat sheets. and then we've also released the fiscal calendar for Walmart for next year.

So those resources are all available on our website. You can download it whenever you would like to.it looks like we didn't have any come through. So if you think of a question later or would like to share any insight, please feel free to reach out to us on our emails. They are up there on the slide or you can find us at supplypike.

com. We would love to continue the conversation with you. But that is all that we have content wise. We are now going to move into the product preview for our Walmart solution and Peter is gonna do that for us.

[00:35:20] Peter Spaulding: Yeah. I just wanted to shout out,Julie mentioned in the chat that, she's not seeing ShipPoint management, in hers yet either.

Sorry, I'm exiting out there. and that she's still using Aspen. that's, probably some helpful information. Yeah, I think, what the information that we're receiving maybe is really cutting edge. Maybe it means that Aspen isn't going away. that it's like Nova or APDP. It's still something that people can use and Walmart isn't trying to do a kind of long term replacement for that.

Okay. we talked a little bit about deductions management in, in the deductions section of SupplierOne. What we want to talk about here is a really completely different way of thinking about deductions from the APDP model, from the SupplierOne model. and a way that is a little bit more supplier friendly that will take out a lot of the time and the pain points that doing validity checks on deductions and disputing deductions takes.

So I'd really like to spend a little bit of time just here on this dashboard quickly, but I won't take too much of your time. We'll probably keep this to about five minutes. and, I'd assume some of you are current customers already,I won't. get too much into the weeds here either, but just cover some of the coolest things.

First of all, our new demo page is called Dunder Mifflin, which hopefully that's not a copyright infringement, but I thought that was really cute and fun. This is all demo data, so it's from real data, but it's not actual data. Want to call that out. We're not sharing anyone's personal information here, but this is something similar to what we see a lot of the time with our current customers.

We can really take all of the information that you have. We can talk about what you've done with SupplyPike and what you've done without SupplyPike, but want to call out our dispute win rate. We can look at that here too. You can see how are we doing with this new app? Is it actually paying out for us or not?

You can look at all these different buckets. What's in Walmart research? What's in supplier action? What is the stuff that we really need to focus on? You could look at it there. And then you can, break down by deduction code. You can do some of this in SupplierOne as well, but it's really helpful to have that high level information too.

you can read more about what these deduction codes actually are by clicking into more info and you can sort by count too, if you don't want to sort by amount. So that's all that. I really want to highlight though, cause it, it helps people understand. the, it helps, people understand the app more if we can look at some of these individual deductions.

And let's do a 25 if we can.

we can look into a 25 here really quick. All right, so here we have a 1, 200 claim on a code 25 and we can look at a little bit of, what it is the SupplyPike product is really doing. So how do we do validity checks without you doing any work? we have aggregated dispute documents. This will give us a sense of whether this is likely to be valid or invalid.

This, in this case, we have an expired one.but we do that by looking at the purchase order, looking at the invoice, invoice received report, and the claim itself. And we take all of that, we scan all those documents, and we can figure out, okay, is this something that is actually worth your while to dispute or not?

so really important information there. I think these may be, try this. Not disputed.

We can look at the deduction history down here and the order information is all laid out there too. One last thing that I want to call out before I send you all on your way is our auto dispute function. So we do validity without you having to do anything. We can do disputing without you having to do anything either.

Some of this makes suppliers nervous because They'll be afraid of just sending Walmart a bunch of disputes for everything anyways. But it's something that we tend to recommend. I've been talking about code 25s, here a little bit. Maybe we don't want to dispute, we don't want to auto dispute all of them.

once the documents are attached, we can do just the ones that are definitely invalid. We're just going to dispute invalid code 25s, but we'll do, we get a bunch of, invalid, 24s as well. And we'll just do all of our shortage codes here too. we'll do that. We won't, we don't have a selection here for valid, right?

So if the validity is unclear, this is basically something that, it could be invalid and there is still a chance that Walmart will pay it back. We'll do that, but we won't give you an option to dispute fines that we've decided are pretty much guaranteed to be valid, because Yeah, we don't want, we don't want to spam Walmart.

You can also set a deduction amount limit too. Walmart doesn't have a cutoff for like fines under this dollar amount. We won't accept disputes for so you could set that to zero. You could do whatever and then you can save those changes and that will save even SupplyPike users a lot of time too. Even if you do have automated validity checks.

You have automated one click disputing or something like that. It may be something that, there's a whole bunch of these that we don't need to look at. We don't need to actually do any more research on it because the invalidity is cleared. So we're going to save those changes and then we won't have to deal with them.

or you could say under a certain dollar amount,we want to check all of these as long as it's under a thousand bucks or something like that. If it's bigger than that. we do want to know about it and we want to research it. We want to do some root cause analysis on it, for example, and to try to get to the bottom of what's actually going on here.

you could do that and dispute them as well, but again, yeah, some people sometimes get a little nervous. with that. Oops.

All right. So that's our product. If you have any more questions about that, you can go to SupplyPike. com, schedule a demo if you want to see if this is right for you. Basically, we'll integrate with your retail link and we can figure out, do you have a bunch of these deductions that can be auto disputed for you?

We have a bunch of other products and major retailers as well. and someone like an Amazon, you have co ops are a much bigger kind of bucket of revenue loss than they are at a Walmart.we have post audits now is something that you can look at with Walmart too. yes, all of this information can be aggregated and put into one place to make sure that, is going on.

If you're interested in that, Danielle just put the link in the chat. You can schedule a demo there. All right. But I think that's it for us today. Thank you for joining us.

[00:42:50] Danielle Gloy: Have a great day. We will see you all next time.


  • Danielle Gloy

    Danielle Gloy

    SupplierWiki Researcher

    Danielle is a Content Coordinator at SupplyPike. Her supply chain degree helps inform her research and writing on SupplierWiki

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  • Allie Welsh-Truong

    Allie Welsh-Truong

    SupplierWiki Content Manager

    Allie Welsh-Truong is an NWA native with a background in the CPG industry. As Content Manager, she develops and executes SupplierWiki's content strategy.

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About SupplyPike for Walmart

SupplyPike for Walmart simplifies and expedites the disputing process for suppliers' deductions by streamlining operations, providing critical insights, and automating tedious tasks to help Walmart suppliers recover every dollar efficiently. Get Paid and Get Better™ with SupplyPike.

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SupplyPike for Walmart

SupplyPike helps you fight deductions, increase in-stocks, and meet OTIF goals in the built-for-you platform, powered by machine learning.