What's New in Supplier One

Since Supplier One has launched, many features have been updated and added. Join Allie and Danielle as they explore the platform and break down important features!


What's New in Walmart's Supplier One 


[00:00:00] Allie Truong: Thank you all for joining. You're here for the SupplierOne webinar. We're happy to have you. today I am your host, Allie Trong. I lead the content writers on our SupplierWiki team, and then leading today's content is the wonderful Danielle Gloy. Danielle has spent a lot of time researching and writing about SupplierOne, so she's here to share her expertise with you all today. 

And if this is your first webinar, what have you been doing? Hello! We've been doing these for a while. we're Supplier Wiki. We provide free educational content for suppliers, including e books, webinars like the one you're on today. And we just have a library of articles, slide decks, so go check that out. 

it's in the same place that you signed up for today's webinar. Awesome. And we have a packed agenda today. So Danielle is going to be starting with what is supplier one. it's relatively new in the Walmart application space. So she will be diving into that. She'll be talking through the main features and some of the updates that have happened recently. 

as well as, Yeah, she'll be, sorry, she'll be updating on main features and then some of the new features that are on supplier one as well. And then we'll get into a Q& A at the end, so you can ask your questions now or you can save them to the end and we'll be sure to cover them. Speaking of questions, here are a couple FAQs. 

Will you get a copy of today's slide deck? Yes. We always send a copy of the slide deck in PDF format as well as a video recording. And you should see that in your inbox in three to four business days. We also have a library of on demand webinars, including the slide decks that go along with those. So be sure to check that out. 

If there's a topic you're interested in. And then the question we often get is, what's the best way to ask a question? Go ahead and drop it in the chat. You can still let me know what your favorite recess activity is. but otherwise love to hear your questions about supplier one or any Walmart questions in general. 

we can cover those today. Awesome. And then last but not least, just wanting to cover what Supply Pike is. So we are part of Supply Pike at Supplier Wiki. we have a platform, a product that enables suppliers to get paid and get better. And we do that by recovering, deductions and supporting any of your compliance fees as well as we have an audit service. 

And we do that in a couple different ways, different retailers. the retailer we're covering today is Walmart. but we also have solutions for Target. Kroger, Amazon, Lowe's, Home Depot, and CVS. So be sure to check those out as well. And with that, I'll hand it over to Danielle to get into today's content. 

[00:02:42] Danielle Gloy: Thank you so much for that intro, Allie. Welcome, everybody. Just really excited to have you on this webinar today. As Allie mentioned, I have been spending a lot of time in SupplyOne. So I'm really excited to just be able to share all of this information with you. So we're just going to explore the platform together. 

we're going to assess how some of the recent updates may affect you, and then we'll provide some tips and tools that you can use to make the app work for you. So just to give a little background on supplier, one before diving in. So at the end of 2023, Walmart launched it as an early adopter program, which allowed suppliers to explore the app. 

And then in Q2 of 2024, they announced that supplier one would be replacing item 360. And then since that announcement, the platform has just really been, developed. And we now seeing several retailing gaps begin to merge into the single platform. So as we can see on the slide, it says the main goal of supplier one is to streamline some of. 

The more siloed features of retail link and to be able to introduce a universal system of prioritization for supplier action that is a little bit wordy. so just to simplify that, what it is saying is that supplier one is just becoming a platform where apps and processes are all found in one place. 

So we're seeing this with like item management, returns, deductions. So we just seeing all of these functions that used to live separately in retail link now, like finding a home in supplier one. 

So this does raise the question, like if everything is just being centralized into supplier one, what does this mean for retail link? retail link is. Still a supplier's one-stop shop for all the essential tools and apps. we are just seeing some overlap of retail link functionalities in supplier one. 

for example, we are seeing mirroring functionality, functionalities of Nova, apu, and then recently added was Aspen. so all of these functionalities exist in supplier one, but they also still exist in retail link. So I don't know what this is going to mean for the apps in the future. but for now, Walmart's official position is that these apps are not going to be replaced by supplier one. 

So we can just take their word for it right now, but still be prepared as possible. Okay. So before we get into the bulk of the content, we want to hear from you. this really is just like a post check to see what your experience has been like with supplier one. the poll is completely anonymous. So the question is, what has your supplier one user experience been like number one, not great, please bring back item 360 number two, smooth sailing number three, still trying to figure out the platform. 

So we'll just give it a little second. Okay. We're seeing some responses come through. Not great. Please bring back item 360. We have some smooth sailing. Okay. A lot of people are still trying to figure out the platform. I will say they have been updating this platform. What seems like on a monthly cadence. 

so whether that'd be like cosmetically or with new features, every kind of, every month feels like a learning opportunity. So we are all in this together. but hopefully at the end of the webinar, you'll be like moving from the three into the two, just a little bit. So thank you guys for the engagement. 

I love to see it.

Thank you, Ali. 

So we're going to, excuse me, we're going to pick up where we left off with what are supplier one's main features. So for this upcoming section, it may be helpful for you to follow along in Supplier 1. I'm going to have it pulled up here just in case I need a reference back to it. but I'm going to briefly go through the slide as we are going to be doing a more in depth analysis on each feature. 

But let's just say you, you've logged into retail link, you've clicked on supplier one and you're on the main dashboard. so when you click that left hand side, like the three little lines, it's going to pull up this menu tab and you'll see all of the features supplier one has to offer. so we have order management, which has similar functionality to Nova. 

Items and inventory, which is essentially a duplicate of item 360. And then we have, ship point management. So this is a new feature that was added and it's pretty much Aspen rebranded in supplier one. Again, we're just going to do an overview right now. We will dive deeper into this later on in the webinar. 

After ship point management, we have payments, which goes into deductions, disputes, and payment history. next we have reports. Which it is what it sounds like, just a bunch of different reports. we have seen some updates in this area. So excited to address that. Next feature is, performance. So this has some return trends and a scorecard analysis. 

So that's going to be on, your oath of scorecard. And then finally. We have demand and forecasts, which shows your store demand forecast, daily demand, and then your inventory record. 

Okay, so we've seen the big picture. Now we're going to zoom into some of the finer details, starting off with order management. I did mention before that this feature is a replica of Nova. if you're looking for a refresher on Nova, We have a handful of resources, Ali can send some of them in the chat. 

We have like past webinars, and a couple of articles that I'm sure will help you out. So having a look at order management, it is designed to keep track of orders by number of filters. so we have some of them listed here. So there is past due, and new orders. Cancellations requested, closed orders, shipped orders, et cetera. 

Basically you would use this feature to stay on top of your purchase orders, edit the ones that can't make it on time, that sort of thing. 

So here's a little bit of what that dashboard looks like for domestic POs.so you've got your purchase orders and then their statuses all in one place. so each purchase order has its supply chain status. Apologize. So each purchase order has its. Supply chain status, the nine digit agreement number, freight type, and then the MABD information, which is your must arrive by date. 

and then also just down here, this DNS a column is just the date on which you do not ship after. And if you keep scrolling to the right, you're going to see a whole bunch of more information that just provides details for your purchase order. And then here at the top, we can see the dollar amount for all of the open orders receiving, closed, and then cancelled. 

and then just to note these little numbers down here, this is just the number of orders that are warehouse packed versus vendor packed. So that's what the dashboard looks like. this is the new feature that has been added to the dashboard. so if I'm not mistaken, this was released around September, October of last year. 

So order management now offers full visibility of all import orders. so you don't need to switch back and forth between multiple apps to do And then you can order, your orders can also be exported into an Excel file with options for headline of distribution level data. so you can get really granular with that, which is very convenient. 

This is what the order management dashboard looks like for all import POs. So we had a look at the domestic POs earlier. This is the import POs. It is very similar to the domestic POs that we did have a look. The dashboard is very similar. some noticeable differences here is at the top. We are now looking at orders that were shipped. 

and not received. And then if you want to get a little bit more technical, you can click on this filter button here in the right corner. and you can filter your POs by department, item category, fine line, or there's also like shipment options. so you can filter it by like the loading ports, destination, ship dates, et cetera. 

There is a bunch of different filters to play around with. So really encourage you to do that. It's just going to help you accommodate. like what you're looking for. Okay. 

So just to go back quickly, if you have a look down here at the bottom, when you click on these three lines over here, you will have the option where you can update your orders with import PO revision. You can download order details with PO delivery, and then you can also track the order status. So there's kind of two ways in which you can go ahead and track that status. 

so the first one would be. clicking on those three dots. And then the second way that you can do that is if you go over here, it's blank right now, just for privacy reasons, but there will be a PO number. And so when you click on that PO number, it's going to take you to a new dashboard. And then, so this just provides more of a summarized version of, your PO and then just something to call out here. 

Something to call out is if you click on this,sent link in the right corner, it will show when the PO was sent and received in your EDI portal. And then that second way that I was talking about, this is just another tracking option. When you click on track, It is going to take you to another new feature, so you can now track your POs in real time, providing visibility and status updates for all active orders. 

It may feel like I have just taken you through a maze just to get, to view a new feature, but if you are wondering how to get to this section in Supplier 1, we do have the path located there at the bottom of the image. 

All right. Items and inventory. So this tab here on the left is broken down into five categories. they are very similar to some of the functionalities that you may have worked with in item 360. So we have catalog, setup hub, maintenance hub, submissions manager, and then recently added was brand registration, which we are going to get to in a bit. 

Okay, so this is the catalog dashboard. we have seen a lot of cosmetic updates in this area. It did not look the same about a month ago. so this is where you're going to see and keep track of all your products, that you are selling to Walmart. So up here in the left corner, you can view your products by GTIN or UPC. 

and When you click on an item in this view, it will take you to the product and offer overview. And then the item configuration and hierarchies, this will show you the item information by item number. So essentially, you can look at how you're categorizing items, and then how Walmart's categorizing items. 

Then here in the right corner, you can customize your catalog, set a default view, and then also create custom datasets. This is really helpful because suppliers, you guys know that you manage a large number of SKUs. And so just by customizing the views, you can filter and sort the most relevant product details. 

it just makes it easier to find what you need without sifting through all of the information. Then moving down here, This is where I say all the juicy information is. they have a really nice content quality score metric that you can track. this is just mainly helpful with determining, what are the biggest, needs. 

Do you have a low score or high score? so the low score is, red and the high school would be green, but, that could be a major point of revenue loss or it could be a growth opportunity too. just some good things to keep in mind. Then. Over here on the right are these three dots. This is very similar to item 360. 

When you click on these three dots, it's just gonna provide multiple options for you to make changes to an item. So you can edit the media, you can view the product history, create new item configurations, and then you can also see the DSV facility overview. 

So This is going to be your setup hub, so again, very similar to item 360, you can do item proposals, set up new GTINs in the item section, and then you can also do a shipper setup and then multi box for e com, I do just want to shout out, if you are looking for more detail on how to do item setup, we actually have a step by step item setup guide. 

it's in a slide deck format, but it's just because there's a whole bunch of images and you can, just follow along. If you're just looking for more information on how to set up items, in supplier one. So Ali will go ahead and send that in the chat. 

Okay. So this tab is, the central hub for item maintenance, which is very important. as we can see, it includes product content, and site experience details. There's item configuration and supply chain, DSV inventory, imagery, and rich media. Big ones to call out is the imagery and rich media. everything is currently going omni channel and dot com. 

So optimizing these areas is, beneficial, like not only to increase that SEO, but also just to make it engageable for the consumer and to make. Their user experience pain free. 

So a new feature that was added to make your experience pain free, is this product type maintenance. So this allows suppliers to directly update the product type for existing items without filing tickets. So it just streams, streamlines the process a little bit more. And then the goal is that suppliers will be able to ensure the correct product type is assigned and then make any necessary changes. 

which would hopefully increase that, content quality. So moving on to the submissions dashboard.the submissions are organized into three tabs by the submission type. So we have, Maintenance. So this is where you will view your item maintenance and cost maintenance submissions. And then we have the setup. 

So this is where you'll view your item setup, the shipper setup, and then that multi box item setup. You'll see those submissions and then your ship node. This is where you will view your DSV inventory and any lag time submissions. They do a pretty good job at filtering out the statuses for all of these submissions. 

For example, here on the right, it will just tell you whether, it's been complete, or if supply action is required or if Walmart action is required. 

Okay, so this is an exciting new feature that was added to to items and inventory and this. Happened within the last month. so you can now register your brand in supplier one. So what does this mean? How does it work? brand registration is just a process that allows suppliers to claim ownership of their brands within Walmart's catalog. 

So by registering suppliers can gain control over their brands, content, product listings, and then also a visibility on walmart. com. So when you click on brand registration, it is going to take you to this dashboard. So it just shows a summary of all of your registered brands. and then. If you go here to the top and you click on the register a brand, it's going to take you to this page. 

So in order to actually register your brand, you must provide proof of brand ownership. So this is just going to be through that seven digit trademark number. And then once this is approved, suppliers can manage their registered brands and also create a brand shop, which is like a custom storefront on walmart. 

com.for example, if a supply, if a customer likes your product, they will be able to go to your storefront and then also view all of your other products. And then just a cool update to note, if you share brands with your marketplace seller account, you can also register those on supplier one to elevate your content ranking, on those items. 

A really cool feature to take advantage of. 

Okay. Payments and charges. this is also a really super, super important tab. this section seems to mirror some APDP functionality. for now it provides more of a summary on deductions, payments and disputes. APDP is still being used for a lot of the actionable steps like disputing. basically the section is just related to money. 

And to money discrepancies like fines, and deductions. And this is only going to be on the AP side of things. So this isn't referring to compliance fines. even though they're really functioning in similar ways, compliance is still going to live in high radius for now. 

So just a quick look at the deductions dashboard. This provides a summary view of your current deductions. Which you can compare to the previous year or really to any month. So that's like the top of the dashboard. If you scroll down, you're going to see the deductions broken down by category. so we have receiving that's going to be. 

like your shortages and your POD, POD issues. and then there's negotiated funding. So if you go ahead and just click on this down arrow here under negotiated funding, there's allowances. So very similar, all of this allowances, invoice returns and negotiated funding. this is stuff that is just going to be discussed on your supplier agreement. 

And then, in this case, if you have a look, there's a lot of receiving errors. So if we go back up, this is a relatively new feature. It's so if you, this is still on that same dashboard. When you scroll up, something that they've recently added is this deductions breakdown tab. So it used to take users out of supplier one, but it is now accept. 

Accessible through this link that is built into the platform. So when you click on this deduction breakdown, it's going to take you to a list of all of your duction, your deductions by line. So it will tell you the amount of each deduction, what code it is. So in that case, we saw that there was a majority of receiving issues. 

so we would see a lot of code 22s for goods billed, not shipped and 24s for shortages. And then this breakdown would also show the history of each deduction or which can be downloaded into an Excel form. 

[00:23:09] Allie Truong: Hey, Danielle. I'm gonna jump in really quick because we have some questions about this. and if we need to pull up and look them up at the end, we can do that too. 

Nancy asked, do the deductions dashboard, that's within supplier one, does that include post audits? 

[00:23:27] Danielle Gloy: That is a great question. I have not seen anything for post audits. just personally on the dashboards that I've looked at, but that is just something that we can look into. And maybe Ali, if you would be able to see if we could answer that at the end, but 

[00:23:41] Allie Truong: I think we answered it. 

Yeah, I think you answered it. I haven't seen post audits. That's included. I think if you go back to the other slide, with the pie chart, the invoices, allowance, negotiated funding and receiving, I think these are just all regular like AP deductions and returns. and then post audits. I don't, I do not believe and have not seen them calculated within this. 

[00:24:07] Danielle Gloy: That is correct. That is a great question. Thank you, Nancy. 

[00:24:10] Allie Truong: And then I have another one from Nancy. and this may be a shameless place to plug SupplyPike, but on this particular dashboard, so this is a Walmart dashboard in SupplierOne, how far back can we get deduction history? 

[00:24:27] Danielle Gloy: So good question. on this dashboard, you can pull up to 5, 000 rows. 

So we haven't necessarily seen a date restriction with that. I'm very curious on what other people's experiences have been like, but it's dated back to 2020, 2021, we haven't found a restriction. 000 row limit. 

[00:24:48] Allie Truong: Okay, that's helpful to know, and I will say too, we're, we try to keep it as educational as possible. 

SupplyPike's application has something similar that's much more robust and can go deeper, and it actually goes into those itemized, and it's larger than 5, 000 rows. helpful free tool, but want to plug what you have if you are currently using SupplyPike. All right, I'm going to go away now. 

[00:25:13] Danielle Gloy: Allie.

Those are great questions. Okay, so I am going to move from that into the payment history.so this is going to track Walmart's DSV payments to the supplier. and this is filterable by supplier ID, distribution center, and report date. it'll also have some deductions data in there as well. 

So a few things that these payment reports include are your PO numbers, the DC ID, DC name, the date marked as ship, and then also the amount paid to vendor. Although this feature may seem just a little bit simple and sound simple, it is very helpful to gather all of the insights and information. This will just help you with that dispute creation, and then also just tracking all of your sales performances. 

Okay, so disputes. this is a newish feature that has recently been added under the payment section. suppliers now have access to view disputes related to, again, the AP claim process. so we're seeing more APDP functionality being put into SupplierOne. Not too sure what is going to happen in the future with APDP, but I am intrigued with how they are slowly recreating the same tools, in SupplierOne. 

So this is the dashboard. here's there's that call out. The latest dispute data is available and it displays up to 5000 rows. So and this is regardless of any filters applied. this dashboard really is more of just a summary of you where you can monitor your disputes when you click on create disputes. 

As of right now, It will still take you back to that APDP app to submit those. So APDP, like the functions in APDP have not fully been integrated into SupplierOne. but we slowly seeing that roll out with all of these updates. So it's just something to keep an eye on. Okay. I am going to cover reports here briefly as well. 

this really is just an area that centralizes cost and payment reports, allowing for quick and easy downloads. Fairly simple, but quite effective.When you click on reports, it's going to take you to a page that has different categories with downloadable reports. so for example, in this image, you can see cost and pricing as a main category with, the vendor managed pricing report that is downloadable underneath it. 

And then, Same with payments. So you are able to download reports on paid and unpaid invoice details. 90 days paid detail, store sales and e com sales. and then, yes, so store sales and then your e com sales. So then this is something new that has been added to the reporting, so now it is for easier access. 

Links to different Scintilla reports have been added to reporting. It still feels weird trying to say Scintilla. I personally think that Luminate sounded much better, but. That is just my hot take. so there are some that are going to be specific to whether or not you have access to scintilla basic or charter. 

but really just emphasizing that points of supplier one, eliminating the back and forth between apps. So I am anticipating a lot more updates to come in the future. If I'm not mistaken, I haven't really seen any other retail link apps that are like integrating scintilla. Again, just interesting that supplier one out of all the retailing apps are beginning is beginning to do this. 

Okay, this is great. So we published a brand new ebook this week on how to pull reports in scintilla. Again, just trying to be educational based. not this is a step by step guide. and. So it has very detailed, also, again, images that you can follow along on, on how to pull reports in Scintilla, the different kinds of reports. 

And if you, this is something that you're interested in, you can comment link in the chat and then Ali will go ahead and send that to you. It is a very helpful resource to have on hand. 

Okay, time to finally talk about the new feature that's recently been introduced. Okay. Ship point management. What is it? How does this affect me? so it is a feature that got added to supplier one at the end of October. And then it is also known as Aspen. So at the bottom is a screenshot of Walmart's official release statement. 

So it reads ship point management, also known as Aspen, is now integrated into supplier one, allowing you to manage shipping facilities information. Excuse me. 

Something that I thought was very interesting is that it says, while Aspen will be accessible via retail link through December, we recommend familiarizing yourself with ship point management now. So this statement was released in October. we are now in February, and we have not seen any other official, documentation or any other official statements that have been released about Aspen being discontinued. 

even though this language did hint towards it last year, I think it's just something to keep an eye out and it's maybe something that we can begin anticipating, in this upcoming year. 

Okay, before we do a little bit more of an overview on this feature, let's do another pulse check. when we did this webinar a while back, I think in November, almost everyone had not yet had access to SharePoint management. So I'm very curious if that has changed at all. and how you are feeling about it. 

So the poll is live. and the question is, have you started using the new SharePoint management feature? What has your experience been like? So one, yes, I love it. Two, yes, but I prefer Aspen. Three, no, but I'm going to try it out. Or four, it is not available to me yet. 

Okay, 50 50 on yes, but I prefer Aspen. and no, I'm going to try it out. Okay. Interesting. Thank you guys.for those of you who have not tried it out, or those of you who are still prefer Aspen, we're just going to go through this and hopefully you'll find something that you enjoy. so when you click on SharePoint management, It is gonna, allow you to manage your lead times, and then also your shipping calendars, so suppliers can view and edit their ship points, track nine digit agreements, and then review submitted changes or exceptions, create new ship points, or override events. 

Okay, so this is what that dashboard is going to look like. so you'd be able to create new SharePoints or override events over here. This override event creates an exception as you did in Aspen. So this is for holidays or other window disruptions. And then if you go down a little bit, we can see the SharePoints. 

This is where you would track that nine digit agreements. you can see any changes under review and then also keep an eye on overrides and exceptions. So when you click on this changes under review tab, you'd, this is where you would view your submitted changes. And then each change listed is going to include like your lane, the old value, new value, and then the requested by and approved by dates. 

And then there will also be timestamps that are included for those last two columns. And then if you wanted to make any edits to a shipment, you'd be able to do it here on the line of the ship point ID, right here. So this is very similar to Aspen. There really is just more of like cosmetic changes. 

but again, this is just an update on some of the things that you can expect going forward with SupplierOne. if you would like, like us to go more in depth on this feature or another, please let us know in the chat. if you go. to our webinar page. We have a recording of a webinar that just like solely goes over like the performance feature and supplier one. 

So it's a whole webinar just dedicated to one feature. we could definitely do that for this if it is something that you are interested in. but for now, these are just some updates that you can, be aware of and prepare for. 

[00:34:29] Allie Truong: All right. Awesome job, Danielle. Thank you for leading us through that content and thank you everyone for. So if you're listening in and participating, we always appreciate that. Now let's get into the Q& A. And I did say, get your questions in now. You can still do that as we're in this, section. So start typing. 

We do have one, in the Q& A. And Nancy asked to please cover image updates using GTN. Whereas before you had a Availability to drag and drop and Danielle, I was in the background doing some, searching and I realized this is an issue that we see with other suppliers, essentially the process before and also in the two help articles that I used, on supplier one, I will say. 

Out of all the Walmart applications, SupplierOne has some of the most in depth help docs. and it triggered a memory for me from some of the other conversations we've had with suppliers where essentially uploading images is different and you do need to make sure that your folders are named, correctly with the items, 14 digit GTIN. 

so if your folders are not named correctly, if you don't have the correct file format, You are unable to have those upload correctly. So I believe that's what Nancy's question, was directed towards. The two help articles that I sent from the SupplierOne help docs, I would review those, but we can continue to talk about, GTI in, in depth, especially when it comes to image updates, if we have more questions there. 

Danielle, anything you'd point to in, the help docs? I know that's been super helpful when we're talking with suppliers. 

[00:36:10] Danielle Gloy: I think the articles that you sent are great starting points. They really go into a whole bunch of, they really go in depth with them. And so I would just. 

[00:36:24] Allie Truong: And I'm just I know I'm blowing up the chat with links. Now I'm sending the understanding performance insights for supplier one if you're interested in that feature. 

[00:36:33] Danielle Gloy: And I am going to go over here. So if you. Are interested in like a path on how to get to more of those articles. So here at the bottom, you just go to supplier one, and then in the top you'll click on a supplier one help, and then you can just follow this path. 

And it will take you to a whole bunch of resources that are probably going to change your life. 

[00:36:54] Allie Truong: Yeah.love that, Danielle. I don't think we have any more questions, so we can go ahead and go to the ending section. If you guys do have questions, a great place to start is looking at the Supplier Wiki resources. 

I sent a lot of them, but go and check them out yourselves. We've done some updates on the website, and so our articles look a little bit different. Our,interface looks a little bit different, so check that out. and there's lots of Rich resources there for suppliers like you. And then if you do have a question that hits you as soon as you get off this webinar, please feel free to email us. 

We'd love to chat with you all, and do research or support, what you do best, which is growing your business. So let us know how we can do that. Or you can always find us at supply pike. com. If you're interested in knowing more about supply pike, or want to schedule a demo on how the supply pike platform could serve your business. 

with that, Danielle, thank you again for leading us through the content, to everyone online. Really appreciate you being here and we'd love to see you at another webinar.


  • Danielle Gloy

    Danielle Gloy

    Content Writer

    Danielle is a Content Writer at SupplyPike. Her supply chain degree helps inform her research and writing on SupplierWiki.

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  • Allie Welsh-Truong

    Allie Welsh-Truong

    SupplierWiki Content Manager

    Allie Welsh-Truong is an NWA native with a background in the CPG industry. As Content Manager, she develops and executes SupplierWiki's content strategy.

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What's New in Supplier One

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SupplyPike for Walmart simplifies and expedites the disputing process for suppliers' deductions by streamlining operations, providing critical insights, and automating tedious tasks to help Walmart suppliers recover every dollar efficiently. Get Paid and Get Better™ with SupplyPike.

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SupplyPike helps you fight deductions, increase in-stocks, and meet OTIF goals in the built-for-you platform, powered by machine learning.