Navigating NOVA 101

Is NOVA, Walmart’s PO Management system, still nebulous? Join our Retail Link specialists, Allie and Peter, to learn how to use this Purchase Order management tool like a star!


Navigating NOVA 101

[00:00:00] Peter Spaulding: This is us. We're the content coordination team at SupplierWiki, which means basically just that we make the webinars, we make the articles and we make the eBooks, all of the content. If there's anything that you would like for us to cover a different retail link app or something like that, please let us know.  
That's our job. Our job is to be constantly responding to the needs of suppliers especially their educational needs. Today what we're going to be covering is Nova at a, at the highest level, like we normally do. And then getting a little bit more granular as we go. Creating POs in Nova is one of the most kind of important and fundamental features of the app.  
Also maintenance, order maintenance in Nova. Then we'll go into sort of our recommendations or best practices for PO management in app for going to a kind of a general Q& A and discussion time at the end where everyone can share your experiences. What has been frustrating for you in the app?  
What has worked? And any kind of remaining questions that you guys have we can answer at that point too. All right, so some frequently asked questions. We get a lot of questions during the webinars, so we ask that you separat public comments in the chat from questions in the Q&A tab that way we can go through them all and figure out, where in this presentation do we want to ask this question? Is this one more general or more specific to a particular kind of area that we'll be covering? So that's what the Q&A tab is for. The chat is for kind of public discourse and conversation, like with our space themed movie question.  
What are there any kind of best practices that you would like to add to the conversation? Go ahead and put them in the chat at that point as well. If we ask all of you guys a question it would go in the chat as well. So that's the difference between those two. There are different kind of functions.  
And then another question that we get almost every time is, will we be getting a copy of the slide deck? You will. If you want to take notes as a memory aid to yourself, sometimes it's very helpful but don't be too worried about, taking screenshots and making sure that you get everything down because you will all receive a copy of the slide deck in three to four business days.  
And what we've been doing more lately is we have a YouTube now, which we would love for you guys to subscribe to just to stay up to date with things that we're doing with the new webinars that we're producing. And so you'll be able to get a link for that as well so you can watch.  
Our videos there as well. Okay. So SupplyPike is the umbrella company over SupplierWiki. And today we're covering a more sort of generic Walmart supply chain tool. But what SupplyPike specifically sells and does its product is related to revenue loss. So helping suppliers b e as efficient in their revenue as possible from start to finish.  
We got our start with AP deductions, but we're now expanding into OTIF and SQEP and post audit. So we're trying to really save you guys from invalid deductions across all of those different points of revenue loss in that stream. And here's some of our partners that we're really proud to work with. And hopefully we'll see y'all up there sometime too.  
[00:03:25] Allie Troung: Awesome. Thank you, Peter, for walking us through the intro today. Before we get started with the content, we wanted to point out something new that we're doing that will launch at the end of the hour. So we really want to focus on the educational content for today, but we always have questions about the products that SupplyPike creates, like Peter said.  
Today we're talking about Walmart and some of the solutions we have for Walmart are a software that helps you automate and dispute deductions without ever having to touch retail link or going into OTIF and having root cause analysis with everything in the same area, pulling in proof documentation.  
We can talk about that at the end of the hour. Cause I want to make sure we're prioritizing the content that we're going to talk about today. But we are going to start something new. So if you stick around at the end, you'll have the opportunity to have an instant meeting with one of our product experts.  
So you will have a one on one zoom call. So not like this particular call, but it will be with one of our wonderful product experts, and they can talk specifically how our solutions could help with your data. How we could get it plugged in a day or two, rather than weeks or involving IT. So you can try a solution to see where some of the research and the knowledge that we've created from Supplierwiki, how that's been baked into the solutions that we have for suppliers.  
So we'll go ahead and get that out of the way. Remember. This is not right now. We're going to focus on the content, but if you are interested I'll have a moment at the end where I can get you connected to one of our great product experts. All right. So today let we're talking about Nova. And this is just to preface more of a one on one course.  
So introductory and beginner level, we do have a two or one course. I believe that we have a recording of that on Supplierwiki as well as our YouTube. Peter, I'm going to make you hunt for that and set it in the chat if that's something that you'd also like to review after this. And if it is a piece of content you'd like to see in the future, let us know because we can do a live one and answer questions and we'll add more content and update it.  
But let's start with the basics. I think Nova is a really cool name, but what does it stand for? Nova is an order management system and it stands for New Order Validation and Approval. And that's essentially what it does, however, it's a little bit broader in terms of the functionality that Nova has available.  
So Nova can help suppliers on creating POs, doing PO maintenance, and that has its own full list of things you can do when it comes to PO maintenance. Copying POs, so repeating them, editing them, tracking POs, and cancelling POs. So another question we get on the more table stakes level is how do I find Nova?  
So if you log into RetailLink and you get through the two factor authentication with no problems, you'll find yourself on the home page. Then you'll want to click into the apps section, and then you'll find Nova. You can search it in the search bar when you click on the apps section. It is helpful we're thinking about creating a resource, so let me know if this is helpful.  
To type things in exactly how they would be found. So you can see here for Nova, it's all capitals. That's going to get you your direct search that you're looking for and have the best results. Whereas if you do it in lowercase caps, sometimes different applications won't pull up. A great example actually is right here. Fix it. If you don't type it in that way, it will not show up. That's one callout I wanted to make. And with Nova, if you type it in exactly how you found it, and nothing is pulling up, it's probably an access issue. So that means that you don't actually have access to the program, and you'll need to reach out to your retail link admin, or reach out to Enterprise Business Services.  
Like I said, With accessing Nova, there's a couple different ways you might be able to see it and functionalities that you can use within it. Most suppliers are going to have just view only, and you can request those through the two options that I mentioned. You can do the additional. Access request app in retail link and you can find that the same way you find Nova by clicking into apps and then typing in additional access or reach out to your site admin.  
If your site admin is unaware, I would reach out to Enterprise Business Services. We find that number and email, I'm sure Peter can find it in the chat or add it in the chat, we find is the most general place to start when suppliers are looking for help when it comes to anything retail link.  
So if you don't have, you don't know the Nova helpline or you don't know the help desk for a certain area, I would start with EBS. And then when it comes to Nova for editing, you have to request access to your RM to enable this feature. So another quick call out I'll make, and if there's, I believe there's a slide on this as well, is that this tool is also used by your Walmart team.  
So really this tool is something you'll be using in tandem with your RM, or your buyer, your Walmart team, whoever you're working for. And it's really important to work with those members on the Walmart side, so that you have a clear understanding. It's not necessarily a tool that a supplier uses to go in and make changes that they haven't discussed previously with an RM or with their merchandise team.  
Alright, so who is Nova for and who is Nova not included at this point? Nova is going to be helpful for anyone who is selling into Walmart stores and Sam's Club. Nova. At this moment does not include import POs, eComm order creation for fulfillment centers, and it is not a replacement for system generated POs.  
So another call out about Nova is this program, this application is for making those agile decisions and being able to move inventory to where it needs to be to respond to an event that's happening at Walmart. There's lots of different options but it's system generated POs are still going to be the bulk of how your POs are created.  
So if you're using Nova as the tool and manually going in for every PO, that is actually not how that system is supposed to be used. So make sure that you're using this tool as more of a acceleration to whatever change is being made rather than, the end all be all. All right, so now we're going to go through the Nova dashboard and these are just screenshots that we have from the actual application.  
There may be some light changes. I know this is an application that Walmart usually works on pretty regularly and has some involvement and on the training side. So if you see some changes go ahead and call them out. But I believe that is 99% the same. I've just noticed sometimes they'll make updates on this.  
So essentially this is what the Nova dashboard looks like. It's pretty easy to use, it actually feels a lot like APDP if you're familiar with that. And you can see, it's pretty basic, you'll have your list of inboxes, but then you also have this kind of dashboard at the top, and that's really what you'll be using the most.  
The first thing you'll need to know is downloading templates. There's templates for PO creation, PO maintenance, and order copy. I haven't seen that they've added any additional templates but let me know if they have. I've been in the app last week. Sometimes those Walmart changes happen pretty fast. But this is where you want to start. Download those templates because that's going to help you upload your either order creation, order maintenance, or order copy. Whatever your tasks that you're trying to do. You are able to actually input things into the actual browser on Nova. However, Walmart recommends it and we recommend just download those Excel files.  
It's going to be a lot easier to input and it creates less room for errors. Like I said, after you download the template and you fill out the information needed, you'll go over to these buttons and you'll click the one that you'd like to upload. Let's say we're doing order creation. That would upload and then you could actually drop the template into that.  
We'll show that in a second. This is the inbox. It just essentially shows any tasks and their statuses that have been submitted. Again, if you're working with your merchandising team. There might be something that they've inputted and you need to, either track that or understand what's going on.  
This is where you would go. And then again, this is just some of the information here. So requester ID is assigned to the request, and it can be used to search up here in the search bar. So that can be helpful if you don't have the PO type or a PO number. Then we've got the request type. This is, if it was order creation, maintenance, order copy, might have some additional information in there and then order type. So if it's going to be staple stock, cross stock, DSD, DSDC, then this is just the total orders. Request status, this is helpful for filtering if there's multiple lines can, if you're looking for something specific and you want to see all of the requests or the POs or the orders that are within this, you can filter there.  
And then this is just additional information that would be included in the order creation or order maintenance, any of the templates. Alright, so now we're into creating POs on Nova. Let's get started. So like I said, if you clicked download template, if we'll go back a couple slides if you clicked download template, you would essentially see these pop up and you'd be able to download them.  
So you'll, let's say that we're going to create an order. We'd open this file. And you'd be able to start creating your PO creation. So you will need to choose the correct tab, and those tabs I'll list here in a second, it's based on your order type. And then fill out the necessary information. I really like this particular template, because it's very clear on what needs to be filled out.  
If you don't fill out required fields and you upload it, it's going to error, and it's just a lot easier to start here and fill out as much information, fill out all the information that's required. And if there's anything additional that you need to create, or if you're grocery, for example, knowing exactly what is for you to fill out and what is not so reasons that a supplier might want to create a PO promos, like I said before, this is going to be a lot about agility in stock recovery, meaning if, let's say it's 4th of July and they just cleared out all the hot dog buns, you may want to create a PO creation template to recover that. An end of season push, we are coming up on some of the holidays, so that would be one there. And then really any other reason that you might want to create a PO, we just left it open there because there are several reasons, but those are the three most likely.  
And then what are some of the channel methods? So these are also going to be what the tabs are within each of the templates. So it's important to know what these words mean. If you're pretty new to the supplier world, we actually have a great resource that I'm going to make Peter send in the chat. We worked on this one a couple months ago and it's called the Walmart Distribution Cheat Sheets. So it has everything from channel type to PO type to how do you fill this out? It's a really great reference for anyone who is new to this world or wants to understand what some of these like type 20 means type 3 means. So if you switch categories and you are using different ones, that can also be helpful there.  
But I just wanted to call that out cause I was just looking at it to refresh myself before we started today's webinar. So like I said, the channel refers to the type of purchase order that is created that will ultimately get it to the store. So for staple, that's going to be merchandise that has a slot.  
So that's going to be like the essentials, like a toothpaste with Crossdock, that's going to be merchandise that's shipped to the DC, but it's not slotted, so it has a little bit less lead time. You can go through that to get to the store quicker, but maybe not a slot in the actual DC. Then we've got DSD, so Direct Store Delivery, that's merchandise shipped directly to the store.  
And then DSDC, which is merchandise that's packed by the store, but it's shipped to a DC or ship from a CVC. So like I said, these are the tabs for PO creation, as well as the other templates. So if you're looking you would want to start first by understanding what the tabs are and then clicking into the right ones so you can then fill out the spreadsheet correctly.  
So these are the types. Again, if you have questions on that, we can talk about it. Staple stock and cross stock, we talked about same with DSD and DSDC and then STOs are essentially internal for DCs. So let's say the DC1 has a bunch of toothpaste left over, but DC2 has none. They would say, okay, we need to do a single shipment of toothpaste.  
So DC2 has inventory to ship out to the stores that it serves. And then multi would just be more of those if it's something that needs to happen more regularly. And then work orders are just on top of that. That would be more to if you have any errors with your POs, or you need to create maybe a change when it comes to either stable or crosstalk.  
All right, so what has to be populated in these PO creation forms? So you need to have a reason, an item number, distribution location, the warehouse pack order quantity. So important that's correct. We see a lot of suppliers put in the wrong type of unit, and that comes out incorrect and can create issues in NOVA, which will then translate to compliance or deduction fines.  
The event code, if that's necessary it is required, so it will tie back to creating the reason. And we'll, I believe I have a slide on some of the event codes. Then header comment type, so Walmart or Vendor, header comment, that's required for certain event codes, again, you'll understand that if you're filling out the PO for a specific reason that ties to an event, line comment type, and then just line comment.  
So those are the things you would need to fill out there. Like I said earlier, But we're creating this PO, we've downloaded the template, we've filled out all the required fields, we've saved it, we're ready to go, everything looks great. So we go back into Nova, we click this order creation, and then it pops up this navigation box, and then you click the order type in the channel method.  
This is really important to be correct too, because the way that Nova uploads the Excel file. They have to match. So if it doesn't, it will error. So you want to make sure that you're filling out in the right tab within the excel file and that you have the correct order type. From there, it actually uploads your template you'll drag it over into this area and then it should populate the blank columns. And then there are some columns there that will be filled with system generated information. So it's really nice that as the supplier, you only have to fill out a couple fields and then it should populate the correct information and it should be working properly once you've uploaded it.  
And then once it's sent out, it should be correct. And, you should be able to execute that PO that's created flawlessly. But again, there can be lots of issues and errors in that process. So we'll talk through those here in a second. So once you've created the order template, it'll be submitted to Nova for Walmart's team to review.  
Once approved, you will receive orders as you usually do. Again, get the buyer or replenishment manager approval before creating these. Your merchandise team will review these. If you're saying, I feel like selling a little bit more and Walmart. So I'm just going to send them some more product and you haven't talked to your merchandising team.  
It's going to be a no go. And then remember that these manually generated orders, same as system generated orders, they're going to be subject to OTIF fines. So that's On Time and In Full fines or SQEP compliance fines. And that can be anything from ASN accuracy. Labeling packaging. There's about 63 defects, sub defects.  
And I know that we have a whole playlist on every single one of those if you're curious. So I know Peter will send some in the chat here in a second, but we do want to call out these compliance programs because oftentimes we see errors in item 360 or Nova. Two applications that are supposed to be helpful in either, you're setting up your items or working on being agile with your POs.  
And then, you run into all these fines. So we wanted to point that out because we've got some tips that we've learned from suppliers that we have worked with as well, and I'll share those here in a second. All right. Now we're going to talk a little bit about order maintenance.  
Alright, pretty similar. It's going to feel slightly redundant because it is the same process, but it is helpful to go through and see some of the differences. So you'll download the order maintenance template, choose the correct tab based on your channel type. And follow the key that I've pasted here in the PO maintenance tab.  
And then note any callouts above each column. So like the previous one for PO creation, you've got the required. You've got the adjustable information, which is different. So that means at least one column must be completed within that. Required if you're changing distribution system generated data should be that gray bar.  
So you don't actually have to fill that out. But it's important to check that when it gets uploaded to make sure that it's correct. Informational is just additional context to those columns and then example, which both are very helpful when it comes to trying to understand when Walmart just puts, a short description of what the column should include, I would look at those just understand how you format it so that when you have any upload, when you're uploading this template you have no issues and if it passes through the upload that it's creating no issues when the actual PO creation or maintenance is executed.  
So here are some reasons why you would do PO maintenance. Updating your MABD or must arrive by date. That's really important. We have a lot of webinars about OTIF and how suppliers get stuck on this MABD date, get stuck on fines because of it. The call out I'll make here is just know what that date is.  
Walmart will schedule this on Saturdays. So if your office is closed or you're not executing things on Saturdays or Sundays you will receive a fine. So just be clear what your expectation is there. Make sure your teams know that and when you're execute, executing these PO maintenance, make sure that those are updated and that's a clear communication you've made with your merchandising team.  
Other things in PO maintenance is updating PO quantities. This could be because your RM said we need more of this product or we need less of this product could be either of those canceling POs, reactivating POs and retransmitting POs. Again, we put et cetera, because this is not the end all be all list.  
There can be some other reasons you would use PO maintenance. And if you'd like to share something that is not on this list, feel free to throw it into the chat. All right. So here's some of the options. So you need to choose the correct tab and fill out the PO maintenance. And here's some of the information that would be required.  
So you've got the header update, giving a larger view into what's going on. The line edit, you can add line with no distribution, or add a line with distribution, cancel and reactivate a line, cancel and reactivate header, comments, allowances, another key one that can tie to deductions retransmit to supplier.  
So that's just a request to send a PO back to the supplier. Maybe it's from a return or you sent an overage and then just send to the DC system. So again, very similar to when we were looking at PO creation, you select the order of maintenance, then pop the pop, the box will populate and you'll choose the action type, what you're choosing to do with this maintenance, and then you'll be able to submit your file. Similar process, again, looks pretty much the same as the PO creation, with the exception that some of these column headers are a little bit different. And then, what's next? You've uploaded it, you've successfully submitted it, the system generated all the correct... system generated columns, then the Walmart team will review.  
Once it's approved, the orders will be updated accordingly. And usually this happens almost immediately. Again, this is another place where go ahead and get your buyer or your RM's approval before editing these POs. I would not go in and just edit them for the sake of editing them. If you do see an error or something that needs to be corrected, I would email them.  
And let them know, hey, I'm going to update this header. This is incorrect for this reason. Do I have your approval? So that's just a really quick email to send over to them and then for cancellations pick the best reason that might mitigate OTIF fines. So if you're canceling for a reason that is on the accountability of the supplier and it's that's not necessarily the case. Then you may receive an OTIF fine. So we'll talk about that here in a second. But again when it comes to canceling PO, sometimes you do have to just bite the bullet and, you didn't have enough inventory or, your manufacturing is slowing over overseas, and you just can't get that inventory into the DC.  
Then, of course, cancel the PO, be proactive, communicate, but there are issues that can be avoided, thus avoiding those OTIF fines as well. So we'll talk about that here at the end. Another piece of PO creation or PO maintenance is the Event Code. This is going to be a just basically a note for special circumstances around a particular order this could be seasonality, think Christmas, 4th of July, anything that comes up there, back to school is another big one that's coming up, the type of set, so maybe you're shipping in a display or a new mod set you make sure to note that, it can be emergency relief, this is another piece I know when Flint, Michigan had a bunch of the issues with water this was one that some suppliers would use. Just event in general, if there's something going on at that particular store or in that region, and then a specific request, let's say manager store replenishment request, something's coming up, whether it's a, they need more inventory, it, that might be in that event code.  
And then I don't have it here. I wanted to mention one thing about event codes. There is a resource that you can find on I believe it's Retail Link in Supplier Academy. If you're looking up PO creation, or you can find it through Nova. They have, I think, a help link that you can go out to, and it actually has a list of all of the event codes and gives you the context for why you would use them.  
What I would say is look back at old POs, usually that's the way to do it of saying, okay, like for this type of PO, we use this event code, so I'm going to use that. You can always double check with your punishment team, but again, if it's something that's completely new, go and look at that list of event codes, and that will give you kind of some context of what would be most helpful for the event code. And then here's what I was talking about with the cancellation code. This is where I would spend some time understanding because this is going to save you money. So if let's say there was a gross forecast error and you sent in not enough product because of Walmart's forecast of what they expected.  
That issue would be on Walmart. That's a conversation to, for another day about how you talk to your merchandising team, but again, if you were told, by Walmart that they only wanted 10, 000 and then something happens and they are like we want 20,000 now, that would be something that you would say as a supplier, I'm not responsible for canceling POs or not being able to get you enough inventory. Whereas let's say Walmart said, I do want 20,000 at the beginning of the year. And for some reason, you've had supply chain issues or manufacturing issues, and you can't meet that type of PO cancellation would be on the supplier and would be subject to fines.  
Whether that be OTIF, whether that be AP deduction codes, there's about 75 plus of those or SQEP fines. All right, so here are just a couple tips, tricks, helpful things to know about NOVA that we've collected from our research and from the conversations we have with suppliers. So I mentioned previously, it seems pretty simple when you're uploading content to Nova, but there are errors with the program.  
So if you're uploading things and the system generated columns are not uploading or just nothing is populating when you drag your file into Nova, and then it's supposed to populate the enrich button is there. Go ahead and. use that, that'll add the additional information. It's like a refresh in a lot of ways but we've seen that happen before.  
Again, if you're using Retail Link, we suggest clear your cache, clear cookies. It tends to be a little bit on the slower end if you don't do that beforehand. If the PO will not submit, check if the PO was already cancelled or investigate why it's not able to update. That's why I would say best practice if you're going into edit a PO, go ahead and check if it's already been updated.  
It could have been updated by someone in your team, or if you mentioned an error to your buyer, your... Replenishment Manager, they can actually go in and they use this program too to make adjustments. So have a conversation there. I would say too, if you haven't had a conversation about using NOVA and how your RM or your merchandising team uses NOVA for your particular category, I would have that conversation.  
There might be nuances that we just can't cover today when it comes to working with your RM. Another point of issue that we've seen on Walmart Supplier Support Group, which is a Facebook group for troubleshooting for Walmart suppliers. I would go join if you aren't. It's on Facebook. But if you see chronic issues, bring it to the attention of the support team.  
They are pretty good at helping everybody understand that there might be an internal issue and that if you document it can be helpful to send over to your merchandising team if there are any errors and so you don't have to have that responsibility if for some reason Nova just stopped working one day. Another couple best practices. So for a smaller number of POs, filling out the template online, so not using the template that we downloaded, you can do that, but for the most part it's best to download the template. And I've seen suppliers who are only doing a smaller number of POs that use the downloadable template and that just seems to work a lot better.  
There's just a little bit more functionality to navigate. And then also just to have. That required field and the key is more helpful, in my opinion, to get additional context, especially if it's your first time, and then we said this before, but click the enrich button if the file airs out, or it won't populate information.  
This will also add that system generated or the system generated. Information for those columns that aren't your responsibility to populate. And then another really helpful thing Walmart support has Zoom help sessions on Wednesdays at 2pm to 2:30pm central time. I'll send this link here in the chat in just a second.  
But it's pretty interesting. I've learned some helpful things when I've joined those. They have a short amount of time that they do have, but at least there is, that, that live help that you can get when it comes to this, or you can email for any of those widespread issues. All right. So we went through that pretty quick.  
So I guess we'll answer some questions if anyone has any on Nova in particular, or OTIF or any of the other things I mentioned, Peter, what do you got from me?  
[00:33:09] Peter Spaulding: Okay, so we got a few questions here. Mostly related to our content, what we have and what we don't have. Some people are asking about Luminate, if we have any content on Luminate, which we don't yet.  
And we've been trying to learn more about that as we go. But it's good to know that's something that people are interested in. One question we have is do you have a cheat sheet of all of the Nova Reason Codes and whose bucket they fall into on OTIF, Supplier or Walmart? I know that we have a list. I'm not sure if it's an exhaustive list or not.  
[00:33:46] Allie Troung: So the Nova Reason Codes, meaning what gets filled out in the Event Code section, or is there a different Nova Code maybe that they're mentioning?  
[00:33:57] Peter Spaulding: I may be thinking of something that we have in the 201.  
[00:34:01] Allie Troung: Yeah, I know what you're talking about. I might just pull that deck up and use it really quick.  
We can answer some more questions, but I'll go ahead.  
[00:34:08] Peter Spaulding: Yeah, you can also see earlier in the chat. We left a link to the 201 video. That one will definitely have that in there too. Again, I'm not sure if it's completely exhaustive. But it will have at least some of the most important ones in there.  
Okay do you have anything on line edits and crossdocs i'm wondering if that's something that we also have, if that we touch on briefly into a one or not.  
[00:34:36] Allie Troung: In terms of line edits and crossdocs. So I would, I don't know if we have anything particular to Nova. I would say the cheat sheet would probably does have some information on crossdocs on.  
I don't think line edits particularly, but I know it does have some information on PO types, channel types, some of that information, basically, of what those are. But, Okay. If we have the 201 scheduled, I'll go ahead and make sure to include some of the information we have online edits and crosstalks in there.  
[00:35:16] Peter Spaulding: Yeah, so go ahead and check out the Walmart distribution cheat sheet there and you can do a quick search in there for that too. And then also stay tuned for the 201 as well. Yeah, we should do a series on Nova, and we should make a 301 also, so we can get as in depth as possible.  
[00:35:38] Allie Troung: People want it.  
I'll give it.  
[00:35:43] Peter Spaulding: One guest wants to know, does Walmart update templates often? I've noticed they have new versions from time to time. Do you know anything about that, Allie?  
[00:35:51] Allie Troung: Usually I check the Walmart's retail link sidebar for announcements. And sometimes it will have app announcements.  
But if you click into the app, usually it will have a sidebar. I don't get any particular updates for that. I am not sure if you can get emailed those. I believe you should if you... If your email is on the application and you're using it. But in terms of yeah, I'm not 100% sure.  
[00:36:25] Peter Spaulding: Yeah, sorry.  
I'm sending a YouTube video up to someone. I think the ad just played over it.  
[00:36:30] Allie Troung: Oh, no worries. No worries. Yeah.  
[00:36:33] Peter Spaulding: We had another question about decision support. So I'm sending a link there as well that other people should be able to access to that's the Tim Carey does some kind of educational resources with within DSS and it's a long video, but it will be, should be pretty helpful, at least on an introductory level and to cover some ground there.  
[00:36:54] Allie Troung: Yeah. And I did find the navigation pathway for the event codes and I'm sending that in the chat just now. The way that you'll do it if you don't have the chat pulled up, I'll read it to you'll go into retail link, go into Academy.  
Then go into, and that's the Supplier Academy, where the educational content that Walmart has lives. Then you'll go into ordering and replenishment and find Nova. Then you'll be able to find those event codes. Sorry, it took me a little bit of jumping back to a different question, but I know there was a particular question on what those are.  
What they mean, and they also have information on how much time that they need, so some of them do need a week in advance and some of them don't an example of one that doesn't is emergency relief, and that makes sense.  
[00:37:45] Peter Spaulding: So are those the same thing as the as line edit reason codes.  
[00:37:50] Allie Troung: I don't believe so.  
But I will pull, I'll go and look for those two. My suggestion, if you're looking for new line reason codes, if you have zero information within your Nova codes. So first thing, go back and look at old ones. That's the best, just understand how your business operates. But if not the, the navigation I said earlier, so Retail Link Academy, ordering and replenishment should have something that you're looking for, and then there's also training documents on NOVA in particular for line edits, but I'm going to make sure to pull that into the next NOVA class that we have.  
[00:38:29] Peter Spaulding: Okay. And final question that we have here is would NOVA be useful to drop ship vendors?  
[00:38:37] Allie Troung: I don't think so. And the reason I'll say that is because let me go back to this slide, the very beginning. Sorry if I'm giving anyone whiplash. But e comm order creation for FCs. I don't see that. So unless you're shipping to stores and by drop ship, I know that some suppliers do that.  
Like shipping from your location to your manufacturing of a smaller product and taking it to Walmart or a DC. Sure, but I wouldn't say I would ask your retail link admin if that's something that would be helpful for you. But I'm just going to say, based on what I have. knowledge of? I would say no, but I would go ahead and get curious and ask that too.  
Just cause I'm not for, I'm not completely familiar and I haven't seen Nova adding any new types of suppliers either. So that's a great question.  
[00:39:41] Peter Spaulding: All right, that's it. So we can now go into the next portion of if you want to follow up call about our product and kind of product solutions that we have. I believe we only have two spots left.  
[00:39:55] Allie Troung: Yeah, before I jump into that, I did want to say thank you everyone. We, you're welcome to email us or reach out about any other questions. This has really been helpful for me too, just some additional questions that have been asked that we can dive in on NOVA 201 or NOVA 301.  
And we'll make sure to get that in the content schedule here pretty soon. So we're going to move into the portion that Peter just mentioned. So if this is where you drop off, we've loved having you here. But if you are curious about the, opportunities we have within SupplyPike to use our software.  
These are some of the guys you'd you would want to talk to. This is how we'll initiate this. If you're not interested today, we totally understand. And we would love to see you at another webinar. But if you are interested, go ahead and... Let us know in the chat. Just say I'm interested and we'll send you a zoom link to meet with either Nathan or Lucas.  
David already had a call that came up. So we're really excited for that. But Nathan and Lucas are ready to meet with anyone who just wants to chat about the solutions that we have, whether that's, automatically being able to dispute your Walmart AP deductions or automatically be able to dispute your OTIF fines. We also have a SQEP product that we're working on. We didn't talk a lot about compliance fines today but essentially a lot of the suppliers that we work with do see issues from NOVA. That create these fines and the application we have helps troubleshoot that. So if you are interested, I'm looking at the chat.  
If anyone wants to meet with them, we'll send you the link. It's really non committal a quick 10, 15 minute chat. And they can actually help you get your data into our application during the free trial and dispute your deductions. We've seen suppliers win back money on the trial. So again this is a really exciting opportunity.  
If you're not interested in meeting right now, but maybe later, find us on supplypike. com. And that's how you can also find our website, SupplierWiki, which has some of the eBooks that we sent, the webinars, articles, and we're always looking at Walmart and RetailLink to find more information. So with that, I'm going to just stay on for a little bit longer, but if everyone who is not interested in...  
Meeting with either Lukas or Nathan. If you're not interested, then you are welcome to hop off and we appreciate you coming today. Thank you all.


  • Allie Welsh-Truong

    Allie Welsh-Truong

    SupplierWiki Content Manager

    Allie Welsh-Truong is an NWA native with a background in the CPG industry. As Content Manager, she develops and executes SupplierWiki's content strategy.

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  • Peter Spaulding

    Peter Spaulding

    Sr. SupplierWiki Writer

    Peter is a Content Coordinator at SupplyPike. His background in academia helps to detail his research in retail supply chains.

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Navigating NOVA 101

Staring into space trying to figure out Walmart’s NOVA? Access the Navigating NOVA 101 slide deck to learn to use this PO management tool like a star!

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SupplyPike for Walmart simplifies and expedites the disputing process for suppliers' deductions by streamlining operations, providing critical insights, and automating tedious tasks to help Walmart suppliers recover every dollar efficiently. Get Paid and Get Better™ with SupplyPike.

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