Writing Your Walmart.com Item Information
By The SupplyPike Team, Retail Rockstars
Last Updated July 9, 2021
Learn about:
- What information to include in your product listing
- How to make your product more findable
- Some best practices for product listings
There are advantages to selling online, like reaching millions of customers. They’re shopping at any time of day, and retailers can keep their products available around the clock.
Though it may seem like a simple way to run a business, there’s a lot to consider to become an online retailer. A supplier needs to convey important product information to potential customers online. They need to reassure buyers that the products are high-quality and suit their needs. Omnichannel retail plays a crucial role in this approach.
A supplier should create product titles that will grab a customer’s attention. The product descriptions should tell about the item they will receive. Crucial features inform the customer exactly what they need to know. Even if they skim the other information, they’ll get the basic stats.
All of this e-commerce item information is essential to making a sale. By selling on existing platforms, suppliers are making online retailing easier. Read on to learn how suppliers can elevate their numbers on Walmart.com.
What information should I include on my e-commerce listing for my product?
There are certain things to consider when writing Walmart e-commerce product information. Product information includes a product name, item description, and list of key features. These details appear with the product image and will help an item stand out in the marketplace.
Product name
The product name shows up at the top of a supplier’s merchandise page, like a headline. A product title should be between 50 to 75 characters. This title length will push it to the top of the search engine results page (SERP). With better search engine optimization (SEO), the full title will show on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and more.
Suppliers should make the title as specific as possible. It’s a good idea to include the brand and item name. A supplier might choose to mention the model number and style if it’s applicable. If it pushes the title beyond the scope of 75 characters, it can be in the description instead.
If a supplier is selling a product with multiple items in a pack, it should mention the specific number in the title. Customers are more likely to click on a detailed title because they know it’s exactly what they’re looking for.
Suppliers should avoid mentioning words in the title if they don’t relate to the exact product listed. This practice is keyword stuffing. It might push a supplier’s item to the top of the search results, but it won’t lead to many sales. People will click expecting one item and not want the actual product.
A bad example of a title would be: Keurig Coffee K-Cups Red
A good example of a title would be: Keurig K250 Single-Serve K-Cup Coffee Brewer, Imperial Red
Item description
The item description is where a supplier can give more details about the product. While the title only has 75 characters, the product description should be at least 150 words. A supplier can include more words to describe the item. For ease of reading on a screen, it’s best to break up the paragraphs into 150 words or less.
A seller can restate the information from the product name in the item description. Suppliers want to reassure the customers that they are getting the correct item. They should mention the brand, model number, and any other terms that let customers know what they’re getting.
While using synonyms isn’t recommended for the product name, it’s a good idea to use them in the item description. To sell a pair of jeans, a supplier can also call them pants and trousers in the description. Using synonyms in the item description will ensure the product listing comes up in searches with various keywords.
Suppliers should write a succinct description that gives all the information. Concise information is better than a long description that repeats the same details over and over. Customers don’t want to spend time reading text; they want to make sure they’re getting the correct item and then buy it.
When writing online, suppliers should use a professional tone and convey facts in the description. The item description is the part of the page where a supplier gives specific information, not try to sell a product. Suppliers want customers to know they’re dealing with someone who knows the product. Sellers need to show that they’re confident in what they’re selling. They should present themselves as authorities.
If a supplier has similar items to sell, the item description is an excellent place to mention that. Walmart.com has an option to create a variant group that will link a supplier’s similar products together.
Key features
Key features are also called highlights. They’re a selection of bullet points that convey specific information about a product. Each bullet point should be fewer than 80 characters long. A supplier can list up to 10 product features in this section.
Suppliers should start with the most compelling features so potential customers will see those first, even if they don’t read the whole list. Some items to consider including are:
- the age range for a product
- keywords that highlight the best attributes of the item
- key phrases from the product name
- impressive details from the item description
How do I make my product more findable?
When a supplier fills in the title, description, and key features for merchandise, it makes that item more likely to rank highly on search engines. Using keywords in the description and product features will boost SEO and grab customers’ attention.
Selling on an existing marketplace like Walmart.com is a great way to ensure more people will see a supplier’s product. There are so many small businesses hosting their stores through Squarespace and Shopify that it can be hard to find time to browse them all.
When a vendor lists its items on Walmart.com, the audience will grow. Products will show up in Google, Bing, or Yahoo searches and also on Walmart website searches. The supplier has immediate access to a new audience.
To further boost a product, it’s worth taking advantage of Walmart Marketplace Promotions. These are ads sellers can create to promote their items using deals like:
- Reduced Price
- Clearance
- In Cart
- In Checkout
The first two promotions show the deal on the product page. The last two promotions show the discount after customers add the product to their cart or start the checkout process. Sellers can use Walmart’s metrics to track sales and see what methods work best to complete a sale. These metrics give them a chance to do better with future promotions.
What are some best practices for listing a product on Walmart.com?
Some best practices to listing a product on Walmart.com include keeping all of the product information general. Suppliers shouldn’t mention specific holidays, sales, or shipping details and avoid referring to other marketplaces like eBay or Amazon. Suppliers want to keep the customer on their Walmart page so they can buy this item.
None of the item’s page descriptions should include special characters or shapes (such as hashtags or asterisks), only text and numbers. Vendors shouldn’t work too hard to sell the item; customers want to get facts and information, not feel pushed to do something.
Walmart.com includes a table of copy standards that can serve as a checklist against a final product description. If the supplier gives all of the basic information about a product, there’s a good chance that it will rank highly in search results. High rankings mean a lot of customers clicking on it.
Final notes
Writing e-commerce item information isn’t hard; once a supplier formats one or two, it becomes second nature. Sellers who adhere to the character limit and give customers the facts they need about a product will begin racking up sales.
See how your product ranks in your category
One way of tracking how well your product is doing is by comparing it to other items in your category. With SupplyPike’s Category Tracker, you can view what brands are in your category and how many reviews they have.
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