Pure-Tech Conference Coming To Northwest Arkansas: Nowhere Developers

The SupplyPike Team

By The SupplyPike Team, Retail Rockstars

Last Updated July 2, 2020

2 min read

At SupplyPike, we’re pretty proud of the fact that we have the largest technology team in Fayetteville, AR. That’s why we’re excited to announce our partnership with a brand new, pure-tech conference coming to the region.

We started Nowhere Developers conference because the creators realized that most “tech” conferences in the region are geared towards C-suite executives and planners, not the actual people building and tweaking the very technologies we use everyday.

We are driven by their mission of showcasing that great developer talent can be found in middle America, not just in Silicon Valley, New York, and Seattle.

Here’s everything else you need to know about Nowhere Developers Conference.

When: March 15, 2018

Where: Record Downtown in Bentonville, AR  

Why: To provide engineers, hackers, and makers with a platform to hear from local, national and regional speakers about the state of tech, software engineering and more.

Anything else? There will be multiple breakout sessions led by experts focused on getting into the “nitty-gritty” of topics like blockchain, distributed systems, and frontend and backend development. Also…free, local food all day! 

The day will end with an after-party sponsored by us! There will be delicious food and alcohol, as well as, a chance to chat with the conference’s featured speakers one-on-one.

P.S. The team behind the conference has a great lineup of sponsorship opportunities for interested brands. 

P.P.S. Here’s all the ways to stay in the know with the conference: Info Page // Facebook // Twitter

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