"Load Segregation: Same Item/PO Not Grouped by Layer" Defect

The SupplyPike Team

By The SupplyPike Team, Retail Rockstars

Last Updated May 12, 2023

3 min read

What is "Load Segregation" at Walmart? 

Load compliance is one part of SQEP's Phase 3 program, the others being Pallet and Packaging compliance.

In the updated Secondary Packaging Supply Chain Standards (SPSCS '23), Walmart defines "Load Segregation" as "Segregation by PO type PO, item or other load segregation defects."

What is the "Load Segregation: Same Item/PO Not Grouped by Layer" Defect? 

Within "Load Segregation" are four main sub-defects: "Pallet not Separated by DA and Staple," "Trailer not Separated by DA and Staple," "Same Item/PO Not Grouped by Layer," and "Same Item/PO on Multiple Pallets."

 "Load Segregation: Same Item/PO Not Grouped by Layer" is defined by the SPSCS '23 as "Items column stacked and/or mixed throughout the pallet."

DA stands for distribution assembly, and Staple is short for staple stock.

Staple Stock is merchandise that is stored in the warehouse/DC inventory (type 20 & 50 items), while Distribution belongs in flow through inventory. All Staple Stock needs to be on a pallet due to it being stored at Regional DC's

Walmart requests that staple stock is loaded at the nose/portion of a trailer furthest from the opening while Distribution Assembly items are supposed to be loaded closer to the tail or nearest opening door of a trailer.

Staple stock and assembly POs should not be shipped on the same Pallet.

Load Segregation.png

How to Prevent Valid "Load Segregation: Same Item/PO Not Grouped by Layer" Defects

This defect only really affects suppliers who ship Multi-Item Pallets with Walmart.

See page 229 in the SPSCS '23 for more on item columns and pallet organization. This information is key to avoiding this defect. In short, organizing items on pallets to correspond with their respective POs is ideal.

Note: these page numbers are the ones at the top of each page in the SPSCS '23, not necessarily the PDFs page numbers. 

Can the "Load Segregation: Same Item/PO Not Grouped by Layer" Defect be Disputed? 

Yes, in HighRadius, just like all other compliance fine disputes at Walmart. 

How to Dispute "Load Segregation: Same Item/PO Not Grouped by Layer" Defects 

If the fine is invalid, assign the FIXit ticket back to Walmart with the dispute reason. Sometimes FIXit tickets will disappear after this if the dispute reason is valid and Walmart accepts it. Even still, it's a good idea to follow up in HighRadius with the ticket number to make sure that the charge disappears as well.

As always, attach any proof documentation to further validate the dispute reason. When filing a dispute, fill in the information for "Dispute Reason," "Amount to be Disputed," "Comments" (if applicable), and "Attachment" (for relevant documents). In the case of pallet compliance, the photos attached to tickets in FIXit will likely be essential to (1) knowing if the fine is valid in the first place and (2) for making a convincing case when the fine actually is invalid.

For the "Load Segregation: Same Item/PO Not Grouped by Layer" defect, the pictures attached to tickets in the FIXit app will be important for successfully overturning invalid disputes.

Disputes can also be monitored and updated in HighRadius under the "Disputes" tab. 

More SQEP: Continued Learning and Our Solution

For an exhaustive resource on all things related to SQEP compliance, download our SQEP Handbook.

If you would like more insight into your SQEP performance and a way to quickly and painlessly dispute invalid SQEP fines, schedule a meeting with a member of the SupplyPike team today!

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