"Item Not on PO" Defect

2 min read

What is the "Item Not on PO" Defect at Walmart? 

The "Item Not on PO" defect is a part of Phase 1 of the SQEP compliance program. Phase 1 concerns itself with PO Accuracy.

In the updated Secondary Packaging Supply Chain Standards (SPSCS '23), Walmart defines "Item Not on PO" as "Item shipped does not match item on PO" (p. 186).

Note: these page numbers are the ones at the top of each page in the SPSCS '23, not necessarily the PDFs page numbers. 

How to Prevent Valid "Item Not on PO" Defects

As with most other defects in Phase 1 of SQEP, the "Item Not on PO" defect is usually the result of other errors, more the effect of a problem than the problem itself. Oftentimes this defect simply means that POs or ASNs were mismatched at some point.

When hit with an "Item Not on PO" defect, it's usually a good idea to look out for other errors or defects. 

Can the "Item Not on PO" Defect be Disputed? 

Yes, in HighRadius, just like all other compliance fine disputes at Walmart. 

How to Dispute "Item Not on PO" Defects 

In order to successfully dispute an invalid "Item Not on PO" defect, the supplier will need some or all of the following documents:

  • PO Number

  • Ticket #

  • Item Number

  • Defect Type

  • Defect Subtype

  • Detailed Dispute Reason

When filing a dispute, fill in the information for "Dispute Reason," "Amount to be Disputed," "Comments" (if applicable), and "Attachment" (for relevant documents). 

More SQEP: Continued Learning and Our Solution

For an exhaustive resource on all things related to SQEP compliance, download our SQEP Handbook.

If you would like more insight into your SQEP performance and a way to quickly and painlessly dispute invalid SQEP fines, schedule a meeting with a member of the SupplyPike team today!

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Written by The SupplyPike Team

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SupplyPike builds software to help retail suppliers fight deductions, meet compliance standards, and dig down to root cause issues in their supply chain.

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