How to Create a Deduction Claim in Lavante

The SupplyPike Team

By The SupplyPike Team, Retail Rockstars

Last Updated July 30, 2021

7 min read

Learn about:

  • Creating a dispute in Lavante
  • Updating a claim in Lavante
  • How to ask questions and make comments on claims

Kroger suppliers use the Lavante portal for all their deductions needs. Suppliers can efficiently complete a deduction claim within Lavante. Support services also are available to assist suppliers with this process.

What is a deduction?

Deductions, also known as chargebacks, are charges from retailers to suppliers resulting from an issue in the supply chain. Retail deductions, fines, and chargebacks are all options for potential claims.

How to create a deduction claim in Lavante

The step-by-step instructions to make a deduction claim are easy to follow. Suppliers create a claim by following the online directions in the Lavante portal.

Lavante users who are a broker or have multiple Kroger accounts and have access to the portal can access all of their accounts. In the Lavante platform, users must make sure they select the proper account.

Creating a claim on a payment

If a deduction occurs on a paid invoice, suppliers can access Lavante and dispute it if it’s invalid.

  1. The user should click the Transactions tab, and then click Payments.
  2. On the left side filters, the user should enter the invoice number into the Invoice Number field, scroll to the bottom, and click Search.
  3. Any payments on that invoice number will appear in the results.
  4. Next, the user should click on the Payment Ref No hyperlink of the search result to open the invoice payment with the deduction.
  5. Once the user clicks on that hyperlink, the user will receive the details of the invoice, payment, and deduction taken.
  6. When deductions happen on an invoice payment, the user has access to data related to any associated promotions or claims. This information is helpful for Kroger representatives as they review any submitted claim.
  7. The user must click Create Claim to begin the dispute process.
  8. Next, the user selects the claim type.
  9. The user needs to input the correct claim amount and claim type in the dropdown menu. The Kroger team will send a correction update to the user if they chose the wrong claim type or put in the wrong amount.
  10. The user must be as descriptive as possible, explaining why they are creating the claim and what happened on this payment. The explanation should go into the Description text box.
  11. Once the user enters all necessary information and supporting documentation, they have to click “Save and Submit” for Kroger to review the claim.
  12. Lastly, the user can click the Transactions tab, then click Claims to see the newly created claim.

Viewing claims in Lavante

The homepage is where the supplier receives the claim ID. To view a particular claim, suppliers can scroll over the claim ID for the hyperlink and view the claim created in that account. The default shows all claims.

Suppliers can select “My Claims” to see individual claims. If suppliers save a claim as a draft, it remains in open status, and only the supplier can review it, not Kroger. Hover over the payment reference number to view the created claim before submitting it.

Supporting documents

If a supplier or Kroger representative adds documents, they are attached to the claim. Documents can include deduction details, files, and notes. Suppliers must search for supporting documents.

Additional documents uploaded to the portal might include the bill of lading or signed proof of delivery. Suppliers select either private or public viewing. If the supplier chooses the private option, Kroger representatives cannot review the claim. Suppliers must select the public viewing option to enable Kroger to review the claim.

What could cause issues with my claim?

If a supplier finds a grayed-out "Create Claim" button, they can hover over the button to learn why. Suppliers can only create a claim on payments made no more than six months from the payment date.

Another reason suppliers would not be able to create a claim could be a pending open shortage claim. Kroger does not allow more than one claim on one invoice or payment pending for a supplier. It must be in a closed status to create another shortage claim.

Related Reading: What Compliance Requirements Does Kroger Have?

Claim statuses

There are three types of claim statuses that suppliers will see in Lavante. They are:

  • Open
  • Pending
  • Closed

Open status

A claim stays in the Open status if the supplier has not submitted it to Kroger for review. The claim is still in the supplier's box for edit and review.

Pending status

A claim goes to the Pending status if the supplier has submitted the claim and it is awaiting review. Once submitted, suppliers cannot edit the claim. When suppliers have a question on a pending claim, they can go to the dispute and ask a question.

A claim with a pending update status happens when Kroger requests an update to the existing dispute.

Closed status

A claim goes into the Closed status after review, and Kroger has determined a resolution. Resolution options include paid, partially paid, or denied. A partially paid claim does not mean a paid claim. Suppliers may ask questions on closed claims. Suppliers also might want to know why a claim was denied or is pending from accounts payable.

Asking questions and making comments on a claim

When a supplier submits an inquiry, the question appears in the top right corner with a "Q" beside it. The answer from a representative will appear underneath. Kroger representatives answer the question and add documents, and the supplier receives a notification.

Suppliers cannot ask another question if Kroger has not answered a previous question. Suppliers can click on the three dots (aka the “kebab”) beside an existing query to make edits to it.

Kroger receives notifications when suppliers ask questions. However, comments do not provide notifications to Kroger. Suppliers must distinguish between the two.

Exporting payment details

Suppliers may export their payment details, such as questions, answers, comments, and invoices, by clicking on the “Export” tab within Lavante. All claims documents export as PDFs.

How to update a created claim

Suppliers may update a created claim by clicking on the hyperlink for it. The supplier will see the claim's creation date, a claim resolution, and the approval history. Suppliers receive an email from the platform informing them that it requires an update.

Updating a claim might include changing the claim type. When suppliers log into the platform, there is a notification called Task Description that shows them expectations. Suppliers adding a document should make it public for review.


Kroger suppliers complete all shortage deduction claims in the Lavante portal. This easy-to-use platform offers step-by-step instructions to submit a claim.

The Kroger support team is available to assist suppliers and provide the claim's status and any supporting documents within the portal. Suppliers can hover over hyperlinks to review their claims before submitting them.

Fight invalid deductions with 1-click claims

With the partnership between SupplyPike and SPS Commerce, Kroger suppliers can use their data to fight invalid deductions. 


Join the beta today!

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