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Every Walmart supplier knows that selling to Walmart means encountering a sea of acronyms and abbreviations. Understanding key acronyms is essential for navigating important processes, from logistics to financial management. Whether you're handling shipments, reviewing sales reports, or managing compliance, knowing these acronyms is crucial to your success.
To help you stay informed, we've compiled a list of common Walmart-specific acronyms you're likely to encounter as a supplier. To search the list, hit CRTL + F (PC) or CMD + F (Mac OS).
Walmart Acronyms Every Supplier Should Know
Acronym | Term |
$SW | Dollars per Store per Week |
3PL | Third-Part Logistics |
ADS | Average Dollar Sale |
ANSI | American National Standard Institute |
AP | Accounts Payable |
APDP | Accounts Payable Disputes Portal |
APIS | Accounts Payable Information System |
AR | Accounts Receivable |
ASN | Advanced Shipping Notice |
ASOTV | As Seen on TV |
AUR | Average Unit Retail |
BOL | Bill of Lading |
BOP | Beginning of Period |
BPS | Basis Point |
BSM | Business Support Manager |
BTS | Back to School |
CC | Combined Contribution |
CCS | Cost Change Scenario |
CDD | Carrier Due Date |
CDM | Client Development Manager |
CID | Consumer ID |
CLT | Collect Load Template |
CMGS | Candy, Magazines, Gum, and Snacks |
COE | Correction of Errors |
COGS | Cost of Goods Sold |
COI | Certificate of Insurance |
COOP | Cooperative Agreement |
CP | Center Point |
CPFR | Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment |
CPG | Consumer Packaged Goods |
CPU | Carrier Pickup Date |
CTL | Consumer Testing Laboratory |
CWO | Cancel When Out |
DC | Distribution Center |
DCI | Direct Commerce Inc. |
DMM | Divisional Merchandise Manager (reports to GMM) |
DPM | Defect Per Million |
DSD | Direct-Store-Delivery |
DSDC | Direct Store Delivery Consolidation |
DSS | Decision Support System |
DSV | Drop Ship Vendor |
DTS | Direct to Store (synonym of DSD) |
EAN | European Article Number |
EDF | Event-Driven Fulfillment |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
EDLC | Everyday Low Cost |
EDLP | Everyday Low Price |
EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer |
EOC | Emergency Operations Center |
EOL | End of Life |
EOQ | Economic Order Quantity |
EPCIS | Electronic Product Code Information Services |
FBQ | Freight Bill Quantity |
FC | Fulfillment Center |
FDC | Fashion Distribution Center |
FIFO | First In, First Out |
FISH | First In, Still Here |
FOB | Freight on Board |
FTQ | First Time Quality |
FYE | Fiscal Year Ending |
GBS | Global Business Services |
GDSN | Global Data Synchronization Network |
GDC | Grocery Distribution Center |
GEM | Global Enterprise Mailbox |
GEPIR | Global Electronic Party Information Registry |
GLN | Global Location Number |
GM | General Merchandise |
GMM | General Merchandise Manager |
GMROII | Gross Margin Return on Inventory Investment |
GMV | Gross Merchandise Value |
GNFR | Goods Not for Resale |
GO | General Order |
GOOS | Global Out-of-Stock Report |
GPC | Global Product Categorization |
GRS | Global Replenishment Solution |
GSM | Global Supplier Management |
GTIN | Global Trade Item Number |
HILT | High Inventory/Low Turns |
HO | Walmart Home Office |
HTS | Harmonized Tariff Schedule |
HVDC | High-Velocity Distribution Center |
IDC | Import Distribution Center |
IED | Item Effective Date |
IOPD | In-store, Online, Pickup, Delivery |
IOR | Importer of Record |
ISD | Information Systems Division |
LAG | Local Assortment Guide |
LIFO | Last In, First Out |
LTL | Less Than Truckload |
LTO | Lead Time Out or Limited Time Offer |
MABD | Must Arrive by Date |
MBM | Modular-Based Merchandise |
MSRP | Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price |
MTR | Merchandise Transfer Request |
MUMD | Markup/Markdown |
NCU | Non-Compliant Units |
NHM | Neighborhood Market |
NOVA | New Order Validation and Approval |
ODG | Outdoor Games |
ODR | Order Deficit Rate |
OGD | Online Grocery Delivery |
OGP | Online Grocery Pickup |
OIF | Online Item File |
OLIF | Online Item File |
OMS | Order Management System |
OOS | Out-of-Stock |
OP | Order Point |
OPD | Online Pickup and Delivery |
OSA | Online Supplier Agreement or On-Shelf Availability |
OSCA | On-shelf Customer Availability |
OTC | Over-the-Counter |
OTB | Open To Buy |
OTF | On-Time Fulfillment |
OTIF | On-Time, In-Full |
PDC | Perishable Distribution Center |
PDQ | Pretty Darn Quick |
PFS | Pay from Scan |
PI | Packaging Identifier |
PIM | Product Information Management |
PLU | Price Lookup |
PMPD | Print and Mail Distribution Center |
PO | Purchase Order |
POD | Proof of Delivery or Point of Distribution |
POS | Point-of-Sales |
PSW | Profit per Store per Week |
PUT | Pick up Today or Pick up Team |
RA | Return Authorization |
RDC | Regional Distribution Center |
RL | Retail Link |
RM | Replenishment Manager |
ROM | Rest of Market |
RRP | Retail Ready Packaging |
RT | Review Time |
RTV | Return to Vendor |
S2H | Ship to Home |
S2S | Ship to Store |
SBU | Supplier Business Unit |
SCA | Sales Contribution |
SCAC | Standard Carrier Alpha Code |
SCIM | Supply Chain Inventory Manager |
SCOG | Store Choice Order Guide |
SEO | Search Engine Optimization |
SFS | Shipped from Store |
SIOC | Ships In Own Container |
SKU | Stock Keeping Unit |
SL&C | Shipper Load and Count |
SLIF | Store Level Item Forced |
SLUF | Store Level UPC Forced |
SOG | Store Order Guide |
SOI | Store Only Item or Statement of Identity |
SOTC | Store of the Community |
SPM | Supplier Performance Management |
SQEP | Supplier Quality Excellence Program |
SRO | Stop Replenishment Only |
SRR | Shortage Recovery Rate |
SS | Safety Stock |
SSCC | Serial Shipping Container Code |
SSM | Supplier Solutions Manager |
SSO | Store-Specific Order |
STH | Ship to Home |
SUP | Supercenter |
SVIST | Supplier View Instock Tool |
SWAS | Store Within a Store |
TCR | Total Cases Received |
TLO | Truckload Optimization |
TMS | Transportation Management System |
TONU | Truck Ordered, Not Used |
Trans CP% | Transactional Contribution Profit Percent |
TSCP | Transportation Supply Chain Portal |
UOM | Unit of Measure |
UPC | Universal Product Code |
UCW | Units per Club per Week (also abbreviated UPCPW) |
USW | Units per Store per Week (also abbreviated UPSPW) |
VCOE | Vendor Correction of Error |
VMI | Vendor Managed Inventory |
WERCS | World-Wide Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Solutions |
WH | Warehouse |
WIC | Women, Infants, and Children |
WM | Walmart Marketplace or Walmart |
WM CA | Walmart Canada or Walmart Marketplace Canada |
WOS | Weeks of Supply |
WOW | Week-over-Week |
WPM | Walmart Pre-Marked Merchandise |
WTMS | Walmart Transportation Management System |
YOY | Year-over-Year |
Walmart’s Online Event Codes
Event Code | Event Description |
OL4TH_WK | Online July 4th |
OLAE__WK41 | Online Annual Event |
OLAE__WK42 | Online Annual Event |
OLAE__WK43 | Online Annual Event |
OLASAPWK | Online Flow |
OLBTC_WK | Online Back to College |
OLBTS_WK | Online Back to School |
OLCMASWK | Online Christmas |
OLCYBRWK | Online Cyber Week |
OLDAD_WK | Online Father's Day |
OLEASTWK | Online Easter |
OLGAMEWK | Online Game Time |
OLGRADWK | Online Graduation |
OLHALLWK | Online Halloween |
OLHARVWK | Online Harvest |
OLHOLIWK | Online Holiday |
OLMARDWK | Online Mardi Gras |
OLMEM_WK | Online Memorial Day |
OLMOD_WK | Online Modular Orders |
OLMOM_WK | Online Mother's Day |
OLPHDYWK | Online Pre AE Promo |
OLPRESWK | Online President's Day |
OLPRIMWK | Online Prime Day |
OLREPLWK | Default/Regular Ordering |
OLSEASWK | Online Seasonal |
OLSPRGWK | Online Spring |
OLTAB_WK | Online Tab |
OLTAX_WK | Online Tax Time |
OLVAL_WK | Online Valentine's Day |
OLWAY_WK | Online Wayfair Day |
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