Walmart Acronym Cheat Sheet

9 min read

How are your deductions looking? Learn all about them, how to do validity checks and dispute invalid fines, in this free eBook!

Every Walmart supplier knows that Walmart is filled with acronyms and abbreviations of all kinds specific to the supplier world. Here are some common acronyms you may run into as a supplier.

To search the list, hit CRTL+F (PC) or CMD+F (Mac OS).

$SWDollars per Store per Week
3PLThird-Part Logistics
ADSAverage Dollar Sale
ANSIAmerican National Standard Institute
APAccounts Payable
APDPAccounts Payable Disputes Portal
APISAccounts Payable Information System
ARAccounts Receivable
ASNAdvanced Shipping Notice
ASOTVAs Seen on TV
AURAverage Unit Retail
​BOL​​Bill of Lading​
BOPBeginning of Period
BPSBasis Point
BSMBusiness Support Manager
BTSBack to School
CCCombined Contribution
CCSCost Change Scenario
CDDCarrier Due Date
CDMClient Development Manager
CIDConsumer ID
CLTCollect Load Template
CMGSCandy, Magazines, Gum, and Snacks
COECorrection of Errors
COGSCost of Goods Sold
COICertificate of Insurance
COOPCooperative Agreement
CPCenter Point
CPFRCollaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment
CPUCarrier Pickup Date
CTLConsumer Testing Laboratory
CWOCancel When Out
DCDistribution Center
DCI​Direct Commerce Inc.​
DMMDivisional Merchandise Manager (reports to GMM)
DPMDefect Per Million
​DSDC​Direct Store Delivery Consolidation
DSSDecision Support System
DSVDrop Ship Vendor
DTSDirect to Store (synonym of DSD)
EANEuropean Article Number
EDFEvent-Driven Fulfillment
EDIElectronic Data Interchange
EDLCEveryday Low Cost
EDLPEveryday Low Price
EFTElectronic Funds Transfer
EOCEmergency Operations Center
EOLEnd of Life
EOQEconomic Order Quantity
EPCISElectronic Product Code Information Services
FBQFreight Bill Quantity
FCFulfillment Center
FDCFashion Distribution Center
FIFOFirst In, First Out
FISHFirst In, Still Here
FOBFreight on Board
FTQFirst Time Quality
FYEFiscal Year Ending
GBS​Global Business Services
GDSNGlobal Data Synchronization Network
GEMGlobal Enterprise Mailbox
GEPIRGlobal Electronic Party Information Registry
GLNGlobal Location Number
GMGeneral Merchandise
GMMGeneral Merchandise Manager
GMROIIGross Margin Return on Inventory Investment
GMVGross Merchandise Value
GNFRGoods Not for Resale
GOGeneral Order
GOOSGlobal Out-of-Stock Report
GPCGlobal Product Categorization
GRSGlobal Replenishment Solution
​GSM​​Global Supplier Management​
GTINGlobal Trade Item Number
HILTHigh Inventory/Low Turns
HOWalmart Home Office
HTSHarmonized Tariff Schedule
HVDCHigh-Velocity Distribution Center
ICDImport Distribution Center
IEDItem Effective Date
IOPDIn-store, Online, Pickup, Delivery
IORImporter of Record
ISDInformation Systems Division
LAGLocal Assortment Guide
LIFOLast In, First Out
LTLLess Than Truckload
LTOLead Time Out or Limited Time Offer
MABDMust Arrive by Date
MBMModular-Based Merchandise
MSRPManufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price
MTRMerchandise Transfer Request
NCUNon-Compliant Units
NHMNeighborhood Market
NOVANew Order Validation and Approval
ODGOutdoor Games
ODROrder Deficit Rate
OGDOnline Grocery Delivery
OGPOnline Grocery Pickup
OIFOnline Item File
OLIFOnline Item File
OMSOrder Management System
OPOrder Point
OPDOnline Pickup and Delivery
​OSA​​Online Supplier Agreement​ or On-Shelf Availability
OSCAOn-shelf Customer Availability
OTBOpen To Buy
OTFOn-Time Fulfillment
OTIFOn-Time, In-Full
PDCPerishable Distribution Center
PDQPretty Darn Quick
PFSPay from Scan
PIPackaging Identifier
PIMProduct Information Management
PLUPrice Lookup
PMPDPrint and Mail Distribution Center
​PO​​Purchase Order​
​POD​​Proof of Delivery​ or Point of Distribution
PSWProfit per Store per Week
PUTPick up Today or Pick up Team
RAReturn Authorization
RDCRegional Distribution Center
RLRetail Link
RMReplenishment Manager
ROMRest of Market
RRPRetail Ready Packaging
RTReview Time
RTVReturn to Vendor
S2HShip to Home
S2SShip to Store
SBUSupplier Business Unit
SCASales Contribution
SCACStandard Carrier Alpha Code
SCIMSupply Chain Inventory Manager
SCOGStore Choice Order Guide
SEOSearch Engine Optimization
SFSShipped from Store
SIOCShips In Own Container
SKUStock Keeping Unit
​SL&C​​Shipper Load and Count​
SLIFStore Level Item Forced
SLUFStore Level UPC Forced
SOGStore Order Guide
SOIStore Only Item or Statement of Identity
SOTCStore of the Community
SPMSupplier Performance Management
SQEPSupplier Quality Excellence Program
SROStop Replenishment Only
SRRShortage Recovery Rate
SSSafety Stock
SSCCSerial Shipping Container Code
SSMSupplier Solutions Manager
SSOStore-Specific Order
STHShip to Home
SVISTSupplier View Instock Tool
SWASStore Within a Store
TCRTotal Cases Received
TLOTruckload Optimization
TMSTransportation Management System
TONUTruck Ordered, Not Used
Trans CP%Transactional Contribution Profit Percent
TSCPTransportation Supply Chain Portal
UOMUnit of Measure
UPCUniversal Product Code
UCWUnits per Club per Week (also abbreviated UPCPW)
USWUnits per Store per Week (also abbreviated UPSPW)
VCOEVendor Correction of Error
VMIVendor Managed Inventory
WERCSWorld-Wide Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Solutions
WICWomen, Infants, and Children
WMWalmart Marketplace or Walmart
WM CAWalmart Canada or Walmart Marketplace Canada
WOSWeeks of Supply
WPMWalmart Pre-Marked Merchandise
WTMSWalmart Transportation Management System

Online Event Codes

Event CodeEvent Description
OL4TH_WKOnline July 4th
OLAE__WK41Online Annual Event
OLAE__WK42Online Annual Event
OLAE__WK43Online Annual Event
OLBTC_WKOnline Back to College
OLBTS_WKOnline Back to School
OLCMASWKOnline Christmas
OLCYBRWKOnline Cyber Week
OLDAD_WKOnline Father's Day
OLEASTWKOnline Easter
OLGAMEWKOnline Game Time
OLGRADWKOnline Graduation
OLHALLWKOnline Halloween
OLHARVWKOnline Harvest
OLHOLIWKOnline Holiday
OLMARDWKOnline Mardi Gras
OLMEM_WKOnline Memorial Day
OLMOD_WKOnline Modular Orders
OLMOM_WKOnline Mother's Day
OLPHDYWKOnline Pre AE Promo
OLPRESWKOnline President's Day
OLPRIMWKOnline Prime Day
OLREPLWKDefault/Regular Ordering
OLSEASWKOnline Seasonal
OLSPRGWKOnline Spring
OLTAB_WKOnline Tab
OLTAX_WKOnline Tax Time
OLVAL_WKOnline Valentine's Day
OLWAY_WKOnline Wayfair Day

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Written by The SupplyPike Team

About The SupplyPike Team

SupplyPike builds software to help retail suppliers fight deductions, meet compliance standards, and dig down to root cause issues in their supply chain.

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The SupplyPike Team



SupplyPike helps you fight deductions, increase in-stocks, and meet OTIF goals in the built-for-you platform, powered by machine learning.

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